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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 348
Reg: Apr 03, 2012
08/25/15 03:06 PM (8 years ago)

Buzz Carousel autorotate problem?

I have my Buzz Carousel set to autorotate but with the wrap turned off: "itemType":"Buzz_carousel", "itemNickname":"Intro Carousel", "navBarTitleText":"Intro Carousel", "iCarouselEffect":"iCarouselTypeCustomLinear", "AKOrientation":"0", "AKWrap":"0", "AKShowLabel":"0", "AKAutoRotate":"0.3", According to the plugin instructions, and in previous builds (over a year ago), this made the carousel spin then stop at the first or last list item. But now it only spins when I have 'wrap' enabled. Any ideas, or anyone else having this problem? Cheers

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