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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 393
Reg: Sep 07, 2011
West Midlands
07/31/15 03:47 AM (8 years ago)

AdMob Policy Update

Hi everyone, Have you received the email from Google Play saying that you need to think about EU Consent Laws in your apps? You need to do so even if you live outside the EU because the laws apply to end users who reside within the EU and download your apps. Basically, apps need to obtain consent regarding the use of cookies if you have AdMob Ads installed, and probably any other ads, too. I've been trying to find a solution to this. I have some apps that have tabs so these ones could have a pop up alert of some sort on the first page when the app is opened. An html solution is available at https://silktide.com/tools/cookie-consent/download/ but I haven't tested this, as yet. My other apps do not have tabs and so they display a menu when the app is opened. The consent needs to appear on that screen. Any ideas as to how to approach this? Plugin, anyone? John
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
07/31/15 09:23 AM (8 years ago)
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 393
Reg: Sep 07, 2011
West Midlands
08/06/15 04:05 AM (8 years ago)
Thanks, CMCoffee. It might be the only solution. Google is obviously taking this very seriously so anyone with a Google Play Developer account and / or admob income needs to resolve this issue asap - no natter where their live. John

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