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crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/02/15 01:54 PM (8 years ago)

plug-in problem

i just bought instant database plug-in i need to know how to install it is the install on the Xcode side???
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/02/15 03:26 PM (8 years ago)
There is a zip file inside the plugin (appears in your Xcode files if self hosted, just a zip inside the plugin zip otherwise) with all the server files and setup instructions. You can also find the zip file in bt_plugins/AN_Database of your project.
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/02/15 04:36 PM (8 years ago)
I'll try that thank if I have any problems I'll get back with you thanks again
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/03/15 09:46 AM (8 years ago)
ok got everything going but can't find instructions on how to use any one have any video or info on how to use this plug-in.....thanks
Angry Ninja
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Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/03/15 01:22 PM (8 years ago)
The instruction file has a step-by-step guide. Simply go through those steps, build and run... Everything should populate in your app. Were you able to find the instructions?
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/04/15 12:12 PM (8 years ago)
I'm still having problems build phase is not giving me any choices I start a build on buzz added the data base and sent it over to Xcode open the data plugin unzipped the file went to the directions and clicked on project went over to build phase it don't give any options ?? What I doing wrong???
Angry Ninja
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Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/04/15 12:17 PM (8 years ago)
Theres nothing needed in build phases. Where are you getting that part from? If you have made all the edits to the scripts, uploaded them to your server, and followed the rest of the instructions in the file, thats all there is to it. Just drag the bt_plugins folder into your xcode project like normal.
crazy android
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Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/04/15 12:18 PM (8 years ago)
I'm still having problems build phase is not giving me any choices I start a build on buzz added the data base and sent it over to Xcode open the data plugin unzipped the file went to the directions and clicked on project went over to build phase it don't give any options ?? What I doing wrong???
crazy android
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Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/04/15 12:32 PM (8 years ago)
I'll try what you say when I get home will you be around later if I need more info?
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/04/15 06:47 PM (8 years ago)
no go having lots of problems I'm not understanding none of this
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/04/15 07:55 PM (8 years ago)
I need more to go on than that in order to help... What errors are you getting? What step of the instructions are you on? Does the demo data show in your app from the example database when you add the plugin? Please detail the issue.
crazy android
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Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/05/15 09:33 AM (8 years ago)
It doesn't show up when I try to run it gives me 7 fail errors also I don't have a server do I need a server to run this plug-in it says Apple Mach o linker error "deflateInit2" referenced from same and then deflate same then inflate same then deflateEnd same then inflateInit2 same then inflateEnd then linker command failed with exit Xcode this happens when I just try to run it
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/05/15 10:13 AM (8 years ago)
Yes, the second step of the instructions file is to edit the .pl script files and upload them to your server. If these are not online somewhere and pointed to, it will not work. If you missed this step in the instructions, I think you are looking at something other than the instructions file, as it's one of the first things needed to do. The instructions and scripts are located in the file "0-REQUIRED FILES! UNZIP ME.zip", and the instruction file itself is "SETUP INSTRUCTIONS.rtf" Work through the steps of that document, step by step, and let me know which step is giving you the issue. If you are getting 7 fail errors right off the bat, then you didn't follow step 1 of the instructions (that's listed in bold in the document)... "you must import the libz.dylib library", followed by the instructions on how to do so. I have a feeling that you haven't found the instructions file yet. If thats the case, send me a PM and I will forward a copy to you, but it's in the enclosed zip file mentioned above.
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/05/15 11:11 AM (8 years ago)
is this the instructions the farthest i could get is build phase its not giving me any options First, when you download your project, you must import the libz.dylib library. To do this… 1) Click on your project in the upper left corner of your Xcode window, and select the “Build Phases” tab 2) Click “Link binary with libraries” 3) Scroll to the bottom and hit the + symbol 4) Find libz.dylib and click “add” Installation is easy once you’ve done it a time or two, but if you get stuck at any time, we do offer a configuring service for $49, as it can be a bit confusing for the first time user…. email [email protected]. We’ll install all the scripts, databases, file permissions and directories on your server, and even setup your Xcode configuration file. ——————————————————————— STEP 1: - UNDERSTANDING YOUR CSV FILES ——————————————————————— WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND USING THE FREE OPENOFFICE SOFTWARE TO EDIT YOUR CSV FILE… IT WILL USE THE DEFAULT # DELIMITER BY DEFAULT http://www.openoffice.org/ Instead of giving you a blank template, we are including the actual Database and scripts from one of our live production apps in the app store. The database and sample used in this plugin is for a “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives” app, showing all of the locations from the TV show. We are giving this to you in good faith, so that you can see how everything works with real world examples instead of sample text and data… Please DO NOT use our database in any app submitted to the app store. Your plugin purchase does not include distribution rights to the included data… it is for sample use only. We will aggressively go after anyone found using our data in a live production environment, and report it to apple immediately before taking further action. Reskinning using our data in a submitted app store is not allowed. Feel free to use it as a template to create your own file however. It’s meant to show you which columns relate to which data displayed in the screens. If you don’t want to use the phone number field for example, and would rather put a website there… simply replace the locations phone number with the website URL. Xcode doesn’t care what’s in the CSV field, it just knows how to reference it by those field names. Feel free to change the data in the field to whatever you want to display in that location instead. Only the ItemID is mandatory to stay in the same format. The plugin is configured to read CSV files, delimited by the # symbol. We find it an easier method than a comma delimited CSV file, but if you already have a comma delimited database, there are two options… 1) you can open your CSV file in OpenOffice, and in the file properties simply change the delimiter to “#” instead of “,”… or 2) you can can manually edit each the 5 pl scripts included, and when you see: my @data=split(/#/); replace it with: my @data=split(/,/); There are two databases used in the plugin. One is the main details database, and the other is for ratings and reviews. They tie in together by the item ID… more on that later. Here are the included fields used in the sample CSV databases. These could easily be changed by editing the included scripts if your database uses something else, but the scripts, sample databases and plugin are pre-configured to use the following as an example: *****Diners.csv****** (used to contain the location details) COLUMN A: Item ID COLUMN B: Location Name COLUMN C: Street Address COLUMN D: City COLUMN E: State COLUMN F: Phone Number COLUMN G: Best Dish On The Menu (use as a “favorite item” in your app) COLUMN H: Latitude (used for mapping) COLUMN I: Longitude (used for mapping) COLUMN J: Youtube Video Link *****DinerExperiences.csv***** (used for reviews and star ratings) COLUMN A: Item ID (every line with this same itemID will be displayed in reviews for that location) COLUMN B: Date of Review COLUMN C: User Name COLUMN D: Review COLUMN E: Star Rating (can be left blank, or enter a value from 1-5) The two database files work together by using the item ID. Basically, Diners.csv populates the plugin with the details of the locations, and any line in DinerExperiences.csv that has the same item ID as location in the other database will be displayed in the reviews section, for user review and star ratings. For example… if a location has an item ID of 152 in Diners.csv, and there are 10 reviews for this location, you will find 10 lines in DinerExperiences.csv that start with 152 for an item ID. ——————————————————————— STEP 2: - EDIT YOUR INCLUDED SCRIPT FILES ——————————————————————— There are 5 .PL script files included (these are cgi scripts, they are named .pl for a more universal format on modern servers). You may need to make a few minor edits if you are using your own database… otherwise, they are already configured to use the sample “Diners” data. *****database_get_details.pl***** Line 18: Replace the path to your CSV files here. Line 54-65: These lines define what columns of the main csv file are used, and assigns them a name for Xcode to pull them in by. If using the same columns as the included cdv files, don’t change these. We just want you to be aware of them in case you create an app with different fields at some point. *****database_get_locations.pl***** Line 33: Replace the path to your CSV files here. *****database_upload_image.pl***** Line 9: Replace the path to whatever folder you want for user uploaded pics. To make the pics post instantly, keep this the same as your pictures directory. if you want to manually review them and then copy them over after review, make this a different directory of your choice. (directory should be writable on your server) *****database_get_experiences.pl***** Line 17: Replace the path to your Ratings and Reviews CSV file here. *****database_put_experiences.pl***** Line 23: Replace the path to your Ratings and Reviews CSV file here. ——————————————————————— STEP 3: - UPLOAD FILES & CREATE DIRECTORIES ——————————————————————— Upload all 5 .pl files to your ROOT CGI DIRECTORY. These cannot be in subfolders on most hosts. Hosts like HostGator and others require cgi scripts to be ran from the cgi root directory. This is usually /cgi. If you do not know your cgi root directory, and do not have a folder called /cgi, try to create it and upload the files in there. Upload all 5 .pl files that you just edited into this directory. CHMOD these file permissions to 755. TIP: If you get stuck on this step, we do offer a configuring service, as cgi scripts can be a bit confusing if you are not familiar with them… email [email protected]. Create a directory on your server called “db” and another directory inside that one called “sample”. Upload both of the example CSV files into it. Again, you can change this later as you get more comfortable. Create a directory on your web server called “diners” and upload the 3 sample pictures. Notice how they are named. The item ID is in the middle of the file name. this format is how the plugin recognizes which location to associate the photo with. Also, all photos must be in .png format. If you have .jpg images, you can simply rename the .jpg extension to .png. If they are in another format, you will need to convert them. ——————————————————————— STEP 4: - EDIT THE CONSTANTS.H FILE IN XCODE ——————————————————————— It is currently setup for a working server, so if you run your project right now, it will work and get data. You will want to edit these values to match your own server settings however. PLEASE TURN OFF WARNINGS (or ignore them). There is nothing there that will cause any bad results in any way, we are just in the process of cleaning up our code. You will get some yellow flags, but you can ignore them. Only red flag errors would be an issue, which there are none. There will be an update released very soon getting rid of the yellow warnings. We are assuming that you have already downloaded your project from Buzztouch containing the database app plugin, and have dragged the plugins folder into your Xcode project. In Xcode, go to BT_Plugins/AN_Database and find the constants.h file. This is where all of your connection settings are stored. Change them to the values we created in the last step. This file is heavily documented, so it should be a price of cake. ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!! Now, before testing, there’s a few things you should know. In no particular order, they are… - The current example only has uploaded images for 3 locations. Remember, the photos icon and videos icon will only be displayed in the app if there are photos for the location and if there is a youtube video link for that location. To see a location with an example of both a video and photos in the app, go to “Alaska” then choose the Silver Gulch restaurant. See which 3 locations have example photos by viewing the three sample images in the included folder… can you tell by the file names which item ID they match up to and find them in your database, then find them in the app? This will force you to get familiar with the way photos are assigned in the plugin. - Images must be in PNG format - Image file name must follow the convention of photo_XXX_anything.png, where photo is literally the word photo, XXX is the item ID number that the photo is associated with (found in the first column of the main cdv file), and anything can literally be any text you want. png is obviously the file extension. - Once you understand how the plugin connects, using the constants.h file and the php scripts, you will easily be able to hookup your own csv files or create new ones from scratch. For starting out with though, we suggest using or modifying the existing CSV files that we included until you are comfortable with the format. - Uploaded .pl scripts MUST be uploaded to your CGI ROOT directory (usually /cgi), and CHMOD’d to 755, or they will not work. - The plugin code is heavily commented. If you are looking for a particular line, try searching for a keyword related to it… it might even be in the comments if not in the code. - Basically, the steps to create your own CSV database app would be to edit and upload your 2 CSV database files as described above, edit and upload the 5 .pl scripts (and change file permissions to 755), and edit the constants.pl file to match your server settings. It will now connect to your own database and display whatever is in the fields from the CSV file. As you get more comfortable, you can change the field names, create new ones, or remove the ones that are not needed. Again though, to learn the process, we recommend editing the existing CSV files, keeping the key.field names the same… even if you use phone number field for a website URL… Xcode doesn’t care what’s in the field, as long as it knows how to reference it, so feel free to hack away at it to make things work for you. - EVERY screen has it’s own XIB file, making adding labels and changing themes super easy. Drag and drop what you want on there, change the text, remove the backgrounds, etc. - The brick background is used as a demo. If you don’t like it, it’s an image control on each XIB. Simply delete it and change the views background to clear. It will then take your buzztouch panel background color. - The plugin is more like a full app, and can easily be used that way (just make a single Instant Database App buzztouch screen and set that as your home screen), or you can use it like a regular plugin and have the whole thing as a feature in the rest of your app. The choice is yours! Known issues: - The first time going to the overhead satellite view of the location, it does not zoom in on the location. Pressing back and then going into it again works fine. We believe we know the cause and are working on a fix. - On some hosts, the reviews do not actually post to the database when a user posts them. From your end, you can manually add them to the cdv database if they are collected via your website or other method, but users may not be able to post reviews from the app if this is happening on your server. We are working on resolving this asap, as we know reviews are a big deal for your users.
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/05/15 11:17 AM (8 years ago)
Ah, OK... I see where you are at. It's not possible to have nothing under build settings. Every Xcode project has it, even a new empty project. You screen should look like this after clicking your project and then build settings: http://snag.gy/m76EX.jpg If not, you have the wrong target selected. If you see what I have in the screen shot, you just need to click the arrow to the left of "Link Binary With Libraries" to expand it, then hit the little + sign at the bottom of the list to add a library. ***EDIT*** - Oooops, looks like it's my bad... I meant "Build Phases", not Build Settings. Sorry about that. Follow the same instructions, but click on the build phases tab instead of build settings.
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/05/15 11:21 AM (8 years ago)
ok that part is done whats next "yippee" lol
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/05/15 11:22 AM (8 years ago)
i have open office already
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/05/15 11:28 AM (8 years ago)
Go ahead and run the project and you should see the sample data populate in the app. The easiest way to test is to run the app and tap "list by state" at the top, and select a state. It should show many listings for each. If all of that is working, start on step 2 to have it start working with your own database. You'll need to edit the scripts and database files as described to point to your own server, or wherever you upload the scripts and database files.
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/05/15 11:35 AM (8 years ago)
its coming up with this PBXCp error (null): error: /Users/crazyandroids/Desktop/0-REQUIRED FILES! UNZIP ME/SCRIPTS/database_get_details.pl: No such file or directory
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/05/15 11:36 AM (8 years ago)
only 1 error
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/05/15 11:38 AM (8 years ago)
Strange... it's looking for a local file instead of the online one. Can you post a screenshot so I can dig a little deeper?
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/05/15 11:45 AM (8 years ago)
it work what i did wrong was i didn't add the whole zip i added it 1 by 1 i changed everything and added it to both Xcode and BT folder and it built it runs so far so good next step please (:smile(;
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/05/15 11:50 AM (8 years ago)
Nice! So the plugin is working with the sample data thats online. Next step is to edit the scripts and upload them to your own server, then point the xcode file to the new location. This is Step #2, #3 and #4 in the list. Once thats working, then you can edit the database to put your own info into it, and it's done :)
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/05/15 12:17 PM (8 years ago)
ok how do i create a server
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/05/15 12:20 PM (8 years ago)
You need a web host. Any place where you can upload a webpage. When I say server, I'm just referring to a web hosting account. As you can see from the example data that loads, it comes from www.angryninjas.com. This will be replaced with wherever you upload your scripts and database.
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/05/15 12:26 PM (8 years ago)
whats a good cheap web host
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/05/15 12:29 PM (8 years ago)
I prefer hostgator. Cheap and reliable. Works well for other buzztouch related stuff to, like using DataURL's and such. Plus, you'll have a web host so you can create a web page for your apps as well. I pay $8 a month for Host Gator, it's even cheaper if you pay for a year in advance. www.hostgator.com
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/05/15 12:36 PM (8 years ago)
ok i will get with you when i get that part taken care of thanks so much
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/05/15 12:40 PM (8 years ago)
No problem. If this is your first time having a web host, it may take a little getting used to, as far as where to upload your scripts, file permissions, and such. The instructions file should guide you along pretty well though. Just shout if you need a hand.
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/06/15 12:30 PM (8 years ago)
ok i got the web hosting its crazyandroidz.com what steps do i need to take now
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/06/15 12:31 PM (8 years ago)
Follow the instructions... step #2, #3 and #4
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/06/15 12:35 PM (8 years ago)
ok i got the web hosting its crazyandroidz.com what steps do i need to take now
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/06/15 12:36 PM (8 years ago)
cool ill let you know and thanks again for the help
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/06/15 01:24 PM (8 years ago)
am i moving the 5 files to the cgi bin in the file manager in host gator???
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/06/15 01:25 PM (8 years ago)
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/06/15 01:47 PM (8 years ago)
I'm down to step 4 but i want to know how do i tie this to the Xcode app I'm not understanding that part
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/06/15 01:52 PM (8 years ago)
it's also in the instructions... edit the constants file in your xcode project. In fact, step 4 is actually titled: ——————————————————————— STEP 4: - EDIT THE CONSTANTS.H FILE IN XCODE ——————————————————————— It's in the plugin folder. In your project. In Xcode. I don't mind helping if there's a specific error or issue, but the instruction file was made to follow step by step. Each time you ask what the next step is, I'll probably refer you back to the very next step in the instructions file. We are at 35 posts here, most of them saying "what's next?". That was the whole purpose of the instructions file. Everything you need to do is listed there step by step. If you get a specific error, let me know, but going on several days and 35 posts to get up to step 2, you really need to go through the steps of the instructions, or opt for the paid installation service. If theres a specific error that you are getting, thats a different story.
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/06/15 01:57 PM (8 years ago)
I'm new to this thanks for the help your instructions are helpful to people that know what your talking about new buyers of your database will be asking you the same questions maybe revamp of the instruction might help but thanks for all your help
Angry Ninja
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Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/06/15 02:02 PM (8 years ago)
No problem. I'm not saying I can't help, I just need to know what errors you are getting AFTER you have tried the step listed. Like the last post said... "I'm down to step 4 but i want to know how do i tie this to the Xcode app I'm not understanding that part" But step 4 literally says EXACTLY what to do... "——————————————————————— STEP 4: - EDIT THE CONSTANTS.H FILE IN XCODE ——————————————————————— In Xcode, go to BT_Plugins/AN_Database and find the constants.h file. This is where all of your connection settings are stored. Change them to the values we created in the last step. This file is heavily documented, so it should be a price of cake." So I'm really not sure how much more clearly the instructions could be written. In this case, it's clear that you didn't read or attempt step 4 at all before asking what to do. All I ask is that you please read the steps and follow them before giving the PRECISE error or issue that you are experiencing. :)
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/06/15 02:53 PM (8 years ago)
i getting connection error device cannot connect to server on my server my files are in public_html i put just crazyandroidz.com my domain name in step 4 on Xcode #ifndef TESTING_ENVIRONMENT #define SERVER_ADDRESS @"www.crazyandroidz.com" //the url of your base website, no http or trailing / #define SERVER_PORT @"" //leave this blank, don't edit it #define SERVER_CGI_PATH @"cgi" //the subdirectory where your cgi scripts are located #define SERVER_DB_PATH @"db/sample" //the directory where your CSV databases are located #define SERVER_PHOTOS @"diners" //the directory where your pictures are located #define MAIL_ADDRESS @"[email protected]" //your email address, used for the forms in the app #else //=========================================================================================== // BACKUP SERVER (JUST USE THE SAME VALUES AS ABOVE, WE SHOULD ALMOST NEVER GET TO THIS POINT //=========================================================================================== #define SERVER_ADDRESS @"www.crazyandroidz.com" //the url of your base website, no http or trailing / #define SERVER_PORT @"" //leave this blank, don't edit it #define SERVER_CGI_PATH @"cgi/plugin" //the subdirectory where your cgi scripts are located #define SERVER_DB_PATH @"db/sample" //the directory where your CSV databases are located #define SERVER_PHOTOS @"diners" //the directory where your pictures are located #define MAIL_ADDRESS @"[email protected]" //your email address, used for the forms in the app #endif this is on my server side Collapse All Collapse All (/home4/darrin2869) etc mail public_ftp public_html cgi-bin db diners tmp my database name is darrin28_691 what am i doing wrong???
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/06/15 03:05 PM (8 years ago)
In the constants.h file... Your CGI path wasn't changed to the location on your server that you uploaded the scripts (probably "cgi-bin" instead of cgi, but I can't verify without seeing your server). Also, your DB path and Photos folders are not in the correct place either. The "db" and "diners" folders need to be uploaded inside the public_html directory. I thought your cgi-bin was located there too... but not 100% about that one, and I see it's one level up from your public_html directory right now. Did you create the cgi-bin directory, or was it already there? Also, did you set the file permissions on the script files?
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/06/15 04:28 PM (8 years ago)
yea i put them in the cgi-bin thats also inside public_html how i got the cgi-bin was from the software and services on the home page of hostgator it wasn't there at first how can i send you the pics of my server or what should i do and also ???on file permission
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/06/15 04:47 PM (8 years ago)
on permissions do i check them all or what
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/06/15 04:48 PM (8 years ago)
If you want to PM me your FTP login info, I'll see if I can get a chance to take a look at it tomorrow
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/06/15 04:49 PM (8 years ago)
on permissions do i check them all or what
crazy android
Aspiring developer
Posts: 172
Reg: Oct 24, 2011
Las Vegas, Nv
08/06/15 04:52 PM (8 years ago)
ok sounds good
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
08/06/15 05:06 PM (8 years ago)
"on permissions do i check them all or what?" (Permissions step, pasted directly from the instructions) ——————————————————————— STEP 3: - UPLOAD FILES & CREATE DIRECTORIES ——————————————————————— Upload all 5 .pl files to your ROOT CGI DIRECTORY. These cannot be in subfolders on most hosts. Hosts like HostGator and others require cgi scripts to be ran from the cgi root directory. This is usually /cgi. If you do not know your cgi root directory, and do not have a folder called /cgi, try to create it and upload the files in there. Upload all 5 .pl files that you just edited into this directory. CHMOD these file permissions to 755.

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