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I hate code!
Posts: 3
Reg: Jul 14, 2015
07/28/15 01:32 AM (8 years ago)

Configuring Socialize sdk with buzztouch

Dear all, I am new to buzztouch and quite new to coding as well. I have created an BT app and wanted to add the socialize sdk to it but get stuck at two parts. below are the set of instructions from socialize themselves http://socialize.github.io/socialize-sdk-android/getting_started.html?v=v3.1.4#steps-to-using-socialize I have two main questions: 1) For step 3 "Configure your AndroidManifest.xml" where do I put this code? Into the app manifest or sdk manifest? 2) Step 5 "Include Socialize in your App" I am at a loss to know where to actually put this code? Your help would be much appreciated. Kind Regards, B_MAK
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
07/28/15 03:55 PM (8 years ago)
I think someone has posted in the forum a how to.use the advanced search to search for 'socialize' as the title
I hate code!
Posts: 3
Reg: Jul 14, 2015
07/28/15 04:39 PM (8 years ago)
Hi, Thank you. I think that this: https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=1ECABAA95B676942868EA7D&command=isSearching&currentPage=1&topicTitle=socialize&createdBy=&repliedBy=&minViews=-1&maxViews=-1&minReplies=-1&maxReplies=-1&forumCategory= is the closest I can find, although right now it may be a bit beyond by technical capabilities as I'm still unsure about the androidmanifest.xml file and where to actually put the code for the socialise action bar. I will keep slogging away at it but would appreciate any help esp if its just a brief (simple?) explanation of how it all works? thanks, B_Mak
I hate code!
Posts: 3
Reg: Jul 14, 2015
07/29/15 01:36 AM (8 years ago)
Hi, Thank you. I think that this: https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=1ECABAA95B676942868EA7D&command=isSearching&currentPage=1&topicTitle=socialize&createdBy=&repliedBy=&minViews=-1&maxViews=-1&minReplies=-1&maxReplies=-1&forumCategory= is the closest I can find, although right now it may be a bit beyond by technical capabilities as I'm still unsure about the androidmanifest.xml file and where to actually put the code for the socialise action bar. I will keep slogging away at it but would appreciate any help esp if its just a brief (simple?) explanation of how it all works? thanks, B_Mak

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