Discussion Forums  >  Plugins, Customizing, Source Code

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Code is Art
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Reg: Oct 29, 2011
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07/27/15 07:24 PM (8 years ago)

The true legend on Custom Buzztouch Plugins.....

!DUSKO! If you are looking to have a plugin developed or updated I recommend Dusko! He is one hell of a plugin developer and he can build anything! Dont wait anymore....contact him now if you want a plugin! He can do it! <a href="https://www.buzztouch.com/Dusko" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.buzztouch.com/Dusko</a>
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
07/28/15 12:23 AM (8 years ago)
I don't see any new plugin by him on the market?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
07/28/15 04:08 AM (8 years ago)
I think he's just happy with some custom work... Cheers! -- Smug
Veteran developer
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Reg: May 19, 2011
07/28/15 12:02 PM (8 years ago)
Agreed Dusko does outstanding work.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
07/29/15 12:08 AM (8 years ago)
Sorry if they are not available on the market, then do they even exist? This forum and platform is for all things buzztouch not so?
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
07/29/15 05:15 PM (8 years ago)
@KayBee Like Smug said, I think @AppGuy30 got some custom plugin made by Dusko (plugins can exist outside of the market, inherently), so he's recommending Dusko for outstanding service if others want Custom Plugins made that are not on the market. Folks who create custom plugins can either publish them on the Market or keep them to themselves if they have no desire to sell them / make them public to us. I do this all the time. :-) Anyways, always excellent when someone is so happy with someone's work that they recommend them like this, Dusko has become a BT Legend over the years, kickin' some butt, keep it up! p.s. We should put Dusko up against Chris and decide who gets the "True Legend" title, that could be fun ;-) Cheers! David.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
07/30/15 01:18 AM (8 years ago)
@mrDavid I am well aware of plugins being made outside for custom work. I don't think this forum is the place to advertise about people who are clearly using the BT platform to generate income outside of this platform and not rewarding the very foundation that made it possible for them. This is the same developer that asked in the recent BuzzCast what is David doing for the BT community... I ask what are you doing for it and its founders Dusko? It would benefit everyone if he made his plugin available on the market. Its easy to see who is the true legend of the plugins are @MrDavid, right now @Chris1 has 42 legit plugins, Dusko has ZERO... However Dusko does have the word "Buzztouch" on his home page of his website 41 times Makes me wonder. Happy to discuss this off the forum, but I don't agree with what is happening here.
Apple Fan
Posts: 694
Reg: Nov 08, 2011
07/30/15 01:44 AM (8 years ago)
Made a very good point there Kaybee! I am with you on that but still am happy that Dusko is around as it is at least always an option to pay him before not having a needed plugin at all. Dusko, maybe just put 2-3 plugins in the market as well so that more people benefit and maybe even more customers?
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
07/30/15 01:48 AM (8 years ago)
Hi Kaybee! Super confused about some of the things you're saying, but totally OK, discussions like these are fun and good to have in the community. Let's tackle each "issue" you mentioned below? > "I am well aware of plugins being made outside for custom work. I don't think this forum is the place to advertise about people who are clearly using the BT platform to generate income outside of this platform and not rewarding the very foundation that made it possible for them." I've spoken with David personally, and have met him too many times to count, and I can guarantee that the one thing he DOES want to see is for all of us to flourish, with buzztouch and outside of buzztouch. In fact, he specifically created the Self Hosted package to allow us to develop and create business outside of buzztouch, to build our own income, cool project, whatever, separate from buzztouch. Dusko, myself, and many others, including Chris, have created projects and businesses outside of buzztouch, and we've advertised our services here because they are relevant to the BT community. In fact, Buzztouch has linked to those businesses/services plenty of times on either the old homepage or the How To section. Do you know how Buzztouch wants to be supported? Community, and Memberships. It looks like Dusko has three years of BT membership. That's cool. > "This is the same developer that asked in the recent BuzzCast what is David doing for the BT community... I ask what are you doing for it and its founders Dusko?" Again, he's paid for three years of membership, I think he has the OK to ask David what's up, and if it's worth renewing for a 4th year. Asking that question does not negate his ability to appreciate what has already been done for him. At the same time, he's providing Members here with a invaluable service of custom plugins, which keeps people in the community happy, and possibly stay with buzztouch, as they are lacking some kind of feature that Dusko needs to make them before they jump to another alternative platform. Or look at his posts. Plenty of support given over the past years to the community. > "It would benefit everyone if he made his plugin available on the market." It would benefit everyone if you gave buzztouch your paycheck and told us all of your business ideas, work, tricks, etc. How is this an argument my friend? He's allowed to do as he pleases, he should take care of himself first, everyone else after. Don't forget, he was hired to make a custom plugin, the owner of this plugin has a choice to make it public or not, usually not up to the developer, and usually, the developer loses rights over the code as it was purchased. Either case, this is not a good argument. > "Its easy to see who is the true legend of the plugins are @MrDavid, right now @Chris1 has 42 legit plugins, Dusko has ZERO... " Chris1 has only published a fraction of plugins compared to what he's made for me, and many others, exactly as Dusko is doing. He's developed and built countless apps, plugins, mods, software, businesses, you name it, with buzztouch. Remember, this is OK, this is what buzztouch was made for. Chris decided to contribute plugins and many other things as a show of thanks, we should appreciate that, not require it, that goes against everything Buzztouch stands for. Anyways, just trying to shed some light here. It's awesome that you want to make sure Buzztouch gets a chunk of the cash it helps folks make, but David made this platform the way it is to allow us to do so without needing too. He trusts that we'll contribute in our own way, and if not, that's OK too. Let him worry about this. Dusko is contributing custom plugins for folks, and that's a huge contribution to the community, even if it's not public. Without the custom plugins (that are NOT public) that I've had developed by people like Dusko, I would have been gone a long time ago. And that's a fact. :-) David.
Veteran developer
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Reg: Oct 13, 2012
07/30/15 03:19 AM (8 years ago)
First of all, guys, thank you for the kind words and for this thread in general. Lots of valid points raised here and I'll try to answer them as honestly as I can. Thank you @mrDavid for your long post. Fortunately it appeared just when I wanted to post this, and let me tell you, thank you for shedding the light on this matter from your point of view. @Kaybee >that asked in the recent BuzzCast what is David doing for the BT community Not what is he doing, but what is he doing to IMPROVE the BT system. He understood me very well, because we all want to see the new version of everything BT and it is not happening, yet. >I ask what are you doing for it and its founders Dusko? Well, I have a blog about BT development. Last week someone wanted to engage for a private gig, to turn their series of ebooks into the apps format. I told them I do that with Buzztouch, they checked it out and became a member of Buzztouch.com instead of paying me... (whether they are paid members or not, I do not know). They have six books, each $100, I lost potential $600, how's that for promoting Buzztouch? Come on, Kaybee, you have an app studio. How many times did you tell your prospects "oh, don't pay me, do it on your own with Buzztouch"? That is just one example and there are more, but it is pointless to talk about them here. >It would benefit everyone if he made his plugin available on the market. Everyone except me, that is. As it currently stands, I do not see my place in the plugin market, at least, not in the business sense of the word. It happened several times already that this or that app studio has paid me to change or update one of the existing, well-known and popular plugins, by one or more top plugins authors in the market. They pay what I ask, it is a private deal and yes I could bring it to the market but that would hurt the original author, me, and the customers (who would protest why to pay more for the plugin that on the surface works the same as the original plugin), and so on. Or take my AdMob plugins for example. They are modifications of existing plugins and to bring them to the market would produce exactly the same confusion as stated above. There is a clear conflict here, created by the nature of the open source software and there is not much that I can do about it. I asked three people whose existing plugins I modified with AdMob code, two of them said yes, one didn't and I understand. I do not want to rain on their parade, is all. As anyone can see on my site, yes, I produce BT plugins, some of them for my own use, some of them as private deals. But private deals are just that, PRIVATE. I actually did quite more private deals than I wrote about on the site, because people paid me for it to be private. Some companies don't want anyone to know that their apps were produced by outsourcing, let's respect that! >I don't agree with what is happening here The Buzztouch.com site should become more commercial, including making it possible to advertise on it. I'd be the first to consider paying an advertisement for my services. >true legend of the plugins Well, those would be Chris1, Kittsy, Susane, mrDavid, Smug, CMCOFFEE... we all know who they are because we use and love their plugins all the time! I do not consider myself to be a "legend" in this field and there is no competition, after all. But thank you mrDavid for mentioning my name in a positive context! >However Dusko does have the word "Buzztouch" on his home page of his website 41 times One of the goals of that site is to promote Buzztouch, so why not give some link love to BT? Also, I concentrate on Buzztouch plugins, and I don't want the visitors on that site to think otherwise. >Dusko has ZERO... (plugins) That's because I offer services, not products. A service is to write a plugin privately, while a plugin in the sense of the BT plugins market is a finished product, with documentation, support and all. The word "plugin" is mentioned in both contexts, but the meaning varies wildly. Then again, why shouldn't there be a market for programming services on the Buzztouch.com? Which, in turns, brings us to the topic of advertising on this site... >maybe just put 2-3 plugins in the market I don't know. I don't see that developers of plugins in the market make good money, 42 plugins or not. And if people who are that much ahead of me cannot do it, there is a slim chance I shall be able to do it too. @LeonG >maybe even more customers? I don't think so. My customers are apps studios and agencies that use BT as a vehicle for assembling apps. There is not that many of them around, but they do exist. They want private plugins in order to do what they cannot do now, or to differentiate themselves in the app stores. The professionals, so to speak. Once they get a plugin written according to their specifications, it is pure gold to them. They can use it dozens of times in one specific app, or in as many other apps as they want to. The theory "give them something free, so they will buy something from you later" works only if they are in the right frame of mind. Ordinary buyers of BT plugins just want to have their app done, and they also see the price of plugins to be very low, there is no reason to believe that they would become my customers immediately. Again, thanks everyone for the discussion here!
buzztouch Evangelist
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Reg: Jul 22, 2011
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08/02/15 07:55 AM (8 years ago)
Thanks for the recommendation @appguy! If the need arises, i'll definitely reach out to our man @dusko. Sounds like he does some solid work. I find BT plugin recommendations, like this one very beneficial. Sometimes, these things we make take a village - and it's good to know who the recommended blacksmiths around town are.

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