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Lost but trying
Posts: 5
Reg: Oct 09, 2012
07/28/15 12:14 PM (8 years ago)

Animated Circle Menu

Ok, So I am just beginning (again) on my buzztouch path. I am trying to use Chris' Animated circle menu. On the IOS simulator, the initial single circle appears, but when i click on it nothing happens. I really don't know where to go with troubleshooting this, so pointers would be greatly appreciated. The CR_Animated_circlemenu.h and .m files are included in the xcode project I am testing with a single menu item, using cr_button1.png as the image Thanks Mark
Lost but trying
Posts: 5
Reg: Oct 09, 2012
07/29/15 07:12 AM (8 years ago)
Problem solved, I was referencing an incorrect set of images.

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