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I hate code!
Posts: 33
Reg: Aug 09, 2012
Salisbury NC
07/23/15 08:46 AM (8 years ago)

Adding iBeacon SDK to App

Has anyone successfully added the SDK for iBeacon implemention from any product manufacturer into a BT app? If so, please share your success information.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
07/23/15 09:22 AM (8 years ago)
I recently obtained a BluVision Dealership; I am using their beacons in a project I'm currently working on. However, although I 'did' implement the BluVision SDK 'at first', I decided to go with the iBeacon Spec, which is manufacturer independent; any beacon works, as long as it adheres to iBeacon specs. However, you might want to keep an eye on the new 'Eddystone' standard that was just released. It is similar to 'iBeacon' but improves upon it as well as includes Android. Did you have anything in specific you wanted to know? Happy to oblige, as long as you don't move to Guam and try and take over my market ;) Cheers! -- Smug There was a short discussion on my project here: https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=B3B4C1B5EF31C5B4F71E1B8&fid=0B19EC7C02CBDD92F12FD08&sortColumn=FT.id&sortUpDown=DESC&currentPage=1
I hate code!
Posts: 33
Reg: Aug 09, 2012
Salisbury NC
07/23/15 10:14 AM (8 years ago)
Seeing that I can't fly because of vertigo, would have to drive to Guam and until they build the highway, no chance of that. We build our apps in Seattle Clouds and can export them into Xcode to add SDKs but, not being programmers, that's an alien planet for us. Looking at BT (we have a server installed) as a possible alternative, but still need the SDK stuck into it somehow. Was looking for someone that has gone down that road.
I hate code!
Posts: 33
Reg: Aug 09, 2012
Salisbury NC
07/23/15 10:55 AM (8 years ago)
Seeing that I can't fly because of vertigo, would have to drive to Guam and until they build the highway, no chance of that. We build our apps in Seattle Clouds and can export them into Xcode to add SDKs but, not being programmers, that's an alien planet for us. Looking at BT (we have a server installed) as a possible alternative, but still need the SDK stuck into it somehow. Was looking for someone that has gone down that road.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
07/23/15 03:31 PM (8 years ago)
Well, Adding the SDK isn't too much trouble; it's like most any other framework... Drop it into your project, and provide the right header reference in your own classes. The Bluvision SDK worked great, I just didn't really need it. Cheers! -- Smug
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
07/24/15 04:45 PM (8 years ago)
Hey Smug Interested to hear more about your ibeacon work. I am looking at introducing into a solution we are working on at the moment. Why don't you host a webinar sometime? Kristen

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