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Aspiring developer
Posts: 36
Reg: Oct 21, 2014
Kolkata, India
10/25/14 09:28 AM (9 years ago)

Any Plan to have Blackberry/Windows Support?

Hi Buzztouch Guys, Is there any plan of having also for the support of Blackberry & Windows apps? It will be great if you have these support in near future because many of my clients are also asking apps for these two platforms as well.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
10/25/14 11:03 AM (9 years ago)
Support for those platforms has not been announced. I think the answer is "No". -- Niraj
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
10/25/14 11:53 AM (9 years ago)
Hi Mobile! I've been in the scene for a number of years with perhaps hundreds of clients so far for both personal projects and big projects for businesses... I've only been asked once to make a blackberry app, and only once for a windows app. The point I'm making is that the demand for those two operating systems are so incredibly low and the workload for the current two (iOS/Android) are so incredibly high (not just in demand, but in keeping our platform up-to-date) that it would not be worth the time to support. Like Niraj said, short answer is more than likely "not going to happen", sorry mate. David Van Beveren http://btmods.com/chat ^ Chat with other BT members live! http://btmods.com/hire ^ Hire MrDavid for one of his services!
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
10/25/14 08:01 PM (9 years ago)
use this to convert your android apps to blackberry (both made using java) http://developer.blackberry.com/android/tools/ also if you upload your android apps to amazon they convert automatically to blackberry apps so blackberry users can download them from the amazon store. (didnt know blackberry devices existed until I got that email from amazon) if you know how to java then coding for windows is almost exactly the same.the language used to create windows apps is microsofts version of java. if you dont know how to code im sure theres some tool to convert your android app to windows, i havent looked for one yet though
Aspiring developer
Posts: 36
Reg: Oct 21, 2014
Kolkata, India
10/26/14 03:15 AM (9 years ago)
Hi All, Thanks for your valuable feedbacks.

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