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Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
07/07/15 09:07 AM (9 years ago)

Conflict With Mosaic Menu & iPhone 6 Plus

I've ran into an issue with Mosaic menu and the iphone 6 Plus. I'm using Mosaic as an image gallery, using a data URL, and everything works great on all simulators (including the iPhone 6 Plus simulator), as well as all devices, EXCEPT the iPhone 6 Plus. On the iPhone 6 Plus device, the gallery just shows black boxes instead of images, and throws a "exc bad access" error on this function: -(void)checkImage:(UIImage*)anImage{ CGImageRef cgref = [anImage CGImage]; CIImage *cim = [anImage CIImage]; if(cim == nil && cgref == NULL){ [self setImageAndRecenter:[UIImage imageNamed:@"bt_noIcon.png"]]; }else{ [self setImageAndRecenter:anImage]; } } Here is an example of the JSON that is being fed to the plugin: {"childItems":[ {"itemId":"C7A505E73AF7CABE91D","itemType":"AK_mosaicMenu", "titleText":"Share or Save This Photo", "mosaicType":"6", "size":"10", "showTitle":"0", "imageTitle":"58.jpg","imageURL":"http://www.angryninjas.com/webapps/travelsolo/images/hhn/58.jpg"}, {"itemId":"382389B50E6459075F2","itemType":"AK_mosaicMenu", "titleText":"Share or Save This Photo", "mosaicType":"6", "size":"10", "showTitle":"0", "imageTitle":"94.jpg","imageURL":"http://www.angryninjas.com/webapps/travelsolo/images/hhn/94.jpg"}, {"itemId":"0461912D672059FB5B8","itemType":"AK_mosaicMenu", "titleText":"Share or Save This Photo", "mosaicType":"6", "size":"10", "showTitle":"0", "imageTitle":"54.jpg","imageURL":"http://www.angryninjas.com/webapps/travelsolo/images/hhn/54.jpg"}, {"itemId":"0F0D4000240EB08AEEF","itemType":"AK_mosaicMenu", "titleText":"Share or Save This Photo", "mosaicType":"6", "size":"10", "showTitle":"0", "imageTitle":"29.jpg","imageURL":"http://www.angryninjas.com/webapps/travelsolo/images/hhn/29.jpg"}, {"itemId":"C3E18A184A00504B175","itemType":"AK_mosaicMenu", "titleText":"Share or Save This Photo", "mosaicType":"6", "size":"10", "showTitle":"0", "imageTitle":"90.jpg","imageURL":"http://www.angryninjas.com/webapps/travelsolo/images/hhn/90.jpg"}, {"itemId":"6268A519AE14D1D5D6A","itemType":"AK_mosaicMenu", "titleText":"Share or Save This Photo", "mosaicType":"6", "size":"10", "showTitle":"0", "imageTitle":"33.jpg","imageURL":"http://www.angryninjas.com/webapps/travelsolo/images/hhn/33.jpg"}, "imageTitle":"2.jpg","imageURL":"http://www.angryninjas.com/webapps/travelsolo/images/hhn/2.jpg"} ]} There isn't any errors being thrown in the debug console, just a general "bad access" error on the code itself when executing on the device. Here is a screenshot: http://snag.gy/MrPR0.jpg I've had others test it with the same results. Shows perfectly fine on the 6 plus simulator, but not on the actual device (again, all other devices work great). I've contacted Kittsy a few days ago, but no response. Does anyone have ideas as to what could cause this?
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
07/07/15 12:49 PM (9 years ago)
Getting closer... it looks like I'm not the only one having this issue. It's 64-bit related. It appears that Mosaic may not be 100% 64-bit compatible??? See info here with similar problems: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#q=stackoverflow%2064%20bit%20crash&es_th=1 From what I can tell, Mosaic's "MosaicDataView.m" is crashing on (void)checkImage and (void)setModule, and upon further digging, that function seems to crash when if references AsyncImageLoader from (void)SetModule. However, thats as far as I can get before getting totally lost. I wish Kittsy was around... :(
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
07/08/15 12:37 PM (9 years ago)
Posted this in another thread, but just want to put a copy here in case Kittsy returns at some point and sees this thread... It turns out that the Mosaic Menu plugin isn't 100% 64-bit compliant. The plugin compiles and runs without errors on all devices except the iPhone 6 Plus (and possibly the regular iPhone 6... I don't have one to test). It's odd because it runs fine in all simulators, including the 6 Plus... just not on the physical devices. A little digging into StackOverflow shows that it's a fairly common problem when some 32 bit code is made to work with 64 bit. Most instances of the error have to do with pointing to particular object types. 64-bit Simulators show it executing fine... 64-bit Devices just crash with a "bad access" fault. I was hoping Kittsy would reply to my PM, or at least the thread, about what we can do to fix it, but it's been almost a week and no response. Surprisingly, it looks like Apple does not test on all physical devices, because before I caught the error on the 6 Plus, I submitted an update to itunesconnect, and it was approved last night... picture crash bug and all, lol. The 64-bit crash error in Mosaic is way over my head, so in the meantime I'm hand editing 196 screens, 196 web scripts, 196 menu screens linking to the photo plugin, and replacing all of my photo screens with the MacImage Gallery Plugin. It's a shame because I really like the thumbnail view that Mosaic offers... when it works.
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
01/09/17 07:31 AM (7 years ago)
Did anything come of this? I'm currently trying to use the mosaic plugin as a gallery and i just get 'downloadError' when it opens the screen. My JSON from my PHP file that the screen url looks at returns the same layout as yours i dont even think ive set mine up right..... thanks steve

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