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Apple Fan
Posts: 50
Reg: Jul 12, 2012
Sarasota, FL
06/15/15 02:37 PM (9 years ago)

Changing HTML Pro source from native file to URL

Hello. I have a live app that includes an HTML Pro screen that I want to change the source from its native file to a URL. I have changed the setting in the content manager, saved, and published at least three times. The live app gives the "this app has refreshed" prompt and I accept on my device, but the screen never switches over from the native html document to the online source. I would like to simply publish this change from the content manager instead of having to do a total resubmit. Any ideas? Am I missing a step here?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
06/15/15 02:57 PM (9 years ago)
Interesting. I'll assume this is on iOS, since you're an Apple Fan! Have you tried looking at the Debug Console during this process to see what might be happening? It should tell you what file it's loading (or not loading), and you might get a clue there. If you can provide us with some debug output, we might be able to help a bit better. Mark
Apple Fan
Posts: 50
Reg: Jul 12, 2012
Sarasota, FL
06/15/15 03:01 PM (9 years ago)
Hi Mark. Thanks for the speedy response. An Apple fan I am, but this is happening on both iOS and Android. When you say to check the debug console I assume you're referring to the console in Xcode or Eclipse. In this case I'm not actually running the app through the program. This is a live, published app and I need to effectively change the data source for everyone who uses it. Do I need to run it in the dev programs to find the glitch do you think?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
06/15/15 03:07 PM (9 years ago)
You can use either the Debug Console for Xcode, or LogCat for Eclipse. I'm assuming that you tested the app in both prior to publishing, so just use the same method you used in testing it to run it again and see what's up. You'll be able to update an app in debug mode, and hopefully get some info we can look at. Mark
Apple Fan
Posts: 50
Reg: Jul 12, 2012
Sarasota, FL
06/15/15 03:20 PM (9 years ago)
OK, great. I'll give that a try and post the results later tonight.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
06/17/15 02:57 PM (9 years ago)
Just a thought, you can't have both references in your control panel - presumably you removed the reference to native html document?
Apple Fan
Posts: 50
Reg: Jul 12, 2012
Sarasota, FL
06/20/15 07:01 PM (9 years ago)
I ran it on eclipse to debug and of course now its working perfectly! One tip for anyone else who's moving over the html pro references, for some reason when the app pulls up the online version of the html doc unless the images are referenced as URLs they don't show up, even if they're uploaded to wherever the document is being hosted. Just a heads up in case anyone else is trying this and wondering why they're getting empty boxes instead of images. Thanks for the help!

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