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Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/07/15 02:14 PM (9 years ago)

$67 For A Custom Made Plugin, Android or iOS [OFFER CLOSED]

EDITED ON 1st of July 2015 ======================== This offer for $67 per plugin per platform is now closed. Sorry! However, if you want a plugin, let me know through duskosavic.com and I'll get you a quote. ======================== Most people here will know me as a programmer / developer for Android only. The good news is that I now have an iPhone 6 and an Apple Developer Licence, so finally I can freely develop for iOS too. For a limited period of time, I am offering custom development of plugins for a rock bottom price. The idea is to get new customers from the iOS world, as well as to write several Android plugins that many people here in the forums want to have, but for various reasons, nobody so far has developed them. Payment is through PayPal. Let me know what kind of a plugin you would want to have developed, either through a PM here in the forums, or through this link: http://duskosavic.com/blog/contact-dusko-savic/ If I agree to the job, I'll send you the PayPal address and the process of development may begin. You supply color schemes, design of the screens, icons, images etc. as well as a guidance as to what needs to be done. Some tasks may well need two or more plugins to be developed, so the price may vary in the end. First come, first served. You may have to wait for a week or two or more to get what you ordered. If you want the same plugin developed both for Android and iOS, the price is $97. I reserve the right to close this offer at any time.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
06/07/15 03:51 PM (9 years ago)
Hey Dusko, Welcome back from the darkside (Android)... Great to see someone new for plugin development. I would think your chances of making more $$ in the long term would be listing it on the plugin market, that way it will be available for a long time and to a big market ( new & old). You could put it up for maybe $20 and that way BT users win and you win, more people getting it for cheaper and more downloads for you. I have a rule, if certain people make a plugin, I automatically buy them, hope to add you to that list. Kristen
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
06/07/15 11:20 PM (9 years ago)
i agree, one plugin we are all crying out for is loyalty card for ios, there is an android one (punch card), maybe you could liase with him and joint sell it, it would be one of the expensive plugins like £30-£40 quid, all it needs to be is 5 password protected screens. with a reset button on 5 screen for redeeming
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
06/07/15 11:25 PM (9 years ago)
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Jun 28, 2011
San Diego
06/08/15 03:13 PM (9 years ago)
If you could make a plugin that communicates with a Drupal website via REST/JSON etc not only would I pay for that, but it would seriously, SERIOUSLY do some amazing things for the buzztouch platform. Here's a link on a Drupal module (plugin) that'd essentially be responsible for the communication: https://www.drupal.org/project/services Someone managed to integrate Drupal with phonegap ( http://www.drupalgap.org/ ) so I'm sure it can be done with Buzztouch, I just don't have the skillset.
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/08/15 07:57 PM (9 years ago)
#piggilypoo Will have a look. Sent you a PM.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
06/09/15 03:00 AM (9 years ago)
Or even a password protected screen for ios and android, you could then develop it yourself to be loyalty plugin cheers sean
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/09/15 03:03 AM (9 years ago)
@FunkyMonkey That's different than what you wanted before. I am sending you a PM.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
06/09/15 03:08 AM (9 years ago)
what i want is what i first asked for , im just trying to think of ways around it, i need it for a app im building cheers sean
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
06/09/15 03:33 AM (9 years ago)
Ask not what David can do for Buzztouch and you but rather what you can do for David and Buzztouch.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
06/09/15 05:07 AM (9 years ago)
In fact dusko, I think what your doing is bit out of order, you shouldn't be touting for developing plugins to sell outside of buzztouch, This is a community of like minded people helping each other learn how to make apps, the only comments i generally see from you, is you touting for outside plugin building, If you wanna tout here in buzztouch to build plugins, then put them in the plugin market, So that buzztouch gets its slice of the pie, as it deserves to get, as none of us would be here without buzztouch
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Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/09/15 07:02 AM (9 years ago)
There is a little history behind the message above, from FunkyMonkey: In December last year you wanted a loyalty plugin based on QR codes. I sat down and wrote it in three days for Android, only to find that you do not want to buy it. I even went out of my way and purchased Chris1's excellent QR reader plugin and obtained the permission from him to use it for a private job, not to be sold as a rehash plugin on the market. I do not usually do anything until someone pays me, but I did it that time. The result is, well, nothing for me. And now you attack me because I lowered the price for my services from 192 quid to 43 quid, but not to 40 as that is how much you want to pay for it. When I refused to lower the price in PRIVATE communication, you appear here in PUBLIC communication with the above message. End of little history note. Now follow my answers to your message: >In fact dusko My name is Dusko. >the only comments i generally see from you, is you touting for outside plugin building, I have a blog devoted to development in Buzztouch, do you? If at least one person came to that blog (and there were many more than one, of course) and purchased buzztouch membership, then buzztouch is rewarded, possibly, for years to come. >So that buzztouch gets its slice of the pie, I totally agree with you and I have said so in previous discussions on this topic. I also think that BT should enable advertising on this site, I'd like that very much. I also want to be able to sell my plugins, courses or whatever as a group, with discounts, and so on. However, that is not really possible now. I'll wait to see the makeover of buzztouch.com and then act accordingly. >none of us would be here without buzztouch Meaning YOU would not be able to make apps without buzztouch. However, I certainly can make apps without buzztouch and without any other app maker, for that matter. The reason I am here is that most of the time it is more convenient to do it with buzztouch than without, although I do remember days and even weeks getting to grips with certain aspects of buzztouch, which are against everything else you see on the Internet. >build plugins, then put them in the plugin market Selling plugins in the plugin market is not much of a business. David Book has repeatedly said so in various webinars. Only two or three people have the number of plugins sufficient to create a critical mass of orders. Recently CMCOFFEE reduced prices of all of his plugins to zero, why? Where are the new plugins in the market? Just for the record, I do have at least five plugins ready for the market, AND in case where I used other people's code, I have obtained permissions to do so from Susane Metoxen and David Book themselves. (As if I couldn't write what I needed by myself, still, wanted to respect the open source movement.) However, I do not think it is a fair exchange of value. According to you, I put the price of $20 for a high quality AdMob plugin, you purchase that, I become responsible for support, you put ads into your apps and in time make one buck a day, than two bucks a day, then three bucks a day... without paying me any extra. That's the current model of the plugin market. At least, pay me another 20 bucks in a year or so, then selling in the plugin market would make worth my while, and then some. Don't like my attitude? Make your own plugins. It IS easy, isn't it?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
06/09/15 09:35 AM (9 years ago)
"In December last year you wanted a loyalty plugin" Yes i did, but you wouldnt give me price till you had finished,then asked for £200, considering i charge £300 for complete ios and android app due to the over saturation where i live, i couldn't afford it. "When I refused to lower the price in PRIVATE communication" I never asked you to lower your price, i suggested charging that, if you put it in the buzztouch plugins, which by the way would make it the most expensive plugin in the market, its not like your gonna just sell it to me is it, your would resell it and reuse the code. "AdMob plugin, you purchase that" never bought it, i dont make any money from within my apps, im a low end, low experience app developer, i work long hours for low wage, so over priced plugins are out of my reach, any private conversations ive had with you, i have always mentioned getting the plugin into buzztouch at a reasonable price, there is a plugin now called punch card in buzztouch, its a loyalty card and costs $9.99 you want to deal outside of buzztouch and charge £67. for an ios version, which would still mean having to build 2 separate apps because of the code differance, i personally think you shouldnt be allowed to sell plugins here unless there in the buzztouch market, The more money Buzztouch makes, The better its gonna get for its members, thats my pennys worth :)
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/09/15 11:44 AM (9 years ago)
>you want to deal outside of buzztouch and charge £67 That would be 67 pounds sterling, which is not the case. The price in this thread is $67, that is 67 USD, which in pounds is, today, 43.61. You suggest that I put it into the market for 40 pounds and then you would buy it, while 43.61 is out of reach for you. I don't get it. Anyway, it is you customer who should invest a bit more into the app in order to get exponentially more profits afterwards. If they don't see it that way, then you have no need for that kind of a plugin. >"AdMob plugin, you purchase that" You did not purchase any such plugin from me, perhaps I was not precise enough. That was just an example why I want to charge more for plugins -- because they could be easily paid out of future profit. >which would still mean having to build 2 separate apps Here you are quite wrong. It can be one plugin on the outside and there is no need for two separate apps, none at all. Say there is an Android plugin that needs to be modeled in iOS, or vice versa. The control panel would be the same, the apps would work identically, the only difference would be the added code for the other platform. It goes without saying that such a plugin should never appear in the plugin market; being more complete, the original plugin would not be sold much. Or the price of the more complete plugin should be 3 or 4 times higher than the original plugin. >you shouldnt be allowed to sell plugins here unless Your reasoning may be proper in some other thread but not in this one. The offer here is for a SERVICE, not for a PRODUCT. There is no such thing as a buzztouch market for not yet written plugins, so I cannot offer my services there. Once it is written, a plugin may be PUBLISHED in the market, but not before!

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