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David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
06/08/15 06:21 PM (9 years ago)

Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, I'm surrounded!

Hi gang... Living in Central California has always been a treat, I'm feeling like part of the Apple Triangle today after watching and reading all the goodies coming out of the WWDC event. I'm in Monterey, just south of Mavericks, the world famous big-wave surf spot. Monterey is also just West of Yosemite, an unreal National Park treasure. Within Yosemite lies El Capitan, the iconic rock formation some call a mountain, some a "face" and some a treasure from heaven. I'm not in Monterey this week, I'm thousands of miles away on the other side of the universe, Australia is nowhere close to anywhere else. Wow this place is far away. But, like so many other places I've travelled recently, Australia is both very different and not so different at all. Thanks largely to Apple. Really, Apple and their gadgets have literally changed the world, brought us closer together, connected us like never before and provided endless opportunity for those daring enough to try to keep up. Of course others have followed (Apple's not the only game in town) but nobody would argue that Apple didn't start this crazy app / device insanity we're all living in now. Georgraphy aside, lets recap the last few years... The tri-fecta, Apple Triangle that's changed everytyhing, as far as I'm concerned isn't related to the Central California beautiful places thing at all, it's realted to the Phone, Tablet (computer) and Watch triangle that seems to be slowly removing the PC requirement. Do you agree? Do you think the days of having / using a regular PC are gone, already? Kristen and I took a stroll through the Apple Store in Sydney over the weekend and the guy that greeted us (chatty mate for sure) says his "perfect solution" is a watch, an iPhone6 Plus and a MacBook pro (no iPad). I'm not so sure and I'm looking for you best guess predictions about what our backpacks will have inside in 5 years. Comments on these, have I lost my mind or does your laptop feel silly-useless with each passing month. 1) Do you think PC's are "going away" and when do you think they will be in museums and not on our desks or in our backpacks (laptops are in this category). 2) What's your favorite combo, what do you use? Phone? Pad? Watch? Laptop? 3) Do you think Apple Watch stand alone apps (announced at WWDC) will change anything. Access to the device in a more meaningful way for developers will allow this (gestures, crown, all the hardware we need to make apps independent of the phone). Looking forward to your comments...hacking away down under.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
06/08/15 06:41 PM (9 years ago)
Poor David..lol if not surrounded by a beautiful National Park or beautiful blue ocean, then he is down under in a beautiful land. I use my iPHONE, Android Phone, and windows pc. All give me a great range of variety. I see televisions getting "smarter" and could see a pc not "going away" quite yet, but evolving. LA
Joe Sprott
Code is Art
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Melbourne, FL
06/08/15 06:44 PM (9 years ago)
Joe Sprott
Code is Art
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Reg: Aug 20, 2011
Melbourne, FL
06/08/15 06:45 PM (9 years ago)
Calypso Kid
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Reg: Mar 09, 2012
Upstate New Yor...
06/08/15 06:58 PM (9 years ago)
For me......iPhone 6 and iPad pretty much replaced my MacBook Pro and any paper book that I need. I only use my MacBook for app building stuff. The iPad isn't quite there yet. Enjoy your travels, Dave P.S. I don't where a watch- my iPhone replaced that too!
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
06/08/15 06:59 PM (9 years ago)
Good stuff - Mate! I thought the biggest surprise of the day was Apple making Swift completely open source. Not sure what that means yet, but if it means custom roms then that's huge. Perhaps even big enough to get my place of employment to switch me from full time Android developer to full time iOS developer. Lol. Maybe.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
06/08/15 07:00 PM (9 years ago)
Other than for coding iOS apps, my laptop sits idle on the desk. For me, the iPhone and iPad are all I need. I hope to try out the Apple Watch soon. The News app for iPad seems like a killer app. I am an avid user of Zite for iPad, twice each day. I might be a switcher soon! Interesting how Apple kept touting their mantra on "we are protecting your privacy". I trust them more than Google, Amazon or Microsoft. Diversity was at the forefront with those two Apple ladies on stage. Notice how Tim gave a shout-out to the youngest WWDC Scholarship winner, who happens to be a girl. Eddy Cue revealed his Cuban-infused blood during a song. One step at a time, both Google and Apple have demonstrated their diversity in recent keynotes. Looking forward to a much improved Siri. The multitasking iPad and Watch show us why Auto Layout and Size Classes are so very important. Lots to learn and many experiments are ahead of us with iOS 9! -- Niraj
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
06/08/15 07:21 PM (9 years ago)
@Niraj: "Auto Layout and Size Classes are so very important" - this is an interesting remark (along with the observation about diversity, for sure, it's a thing!). Anyway, I'm not 100% sold on the idea that Auto Layout and Size Classes are Apple's best effort or their long term best solution. I say this for a few reasons. Thinking back to the "springs and struts" layout magic in Interface Builder and code was also their best attempt - at that time. Just like Auto Layout and Size Classes are their best effort - at this time. It's my opinion the the single most difficult thing for mobile devs is design and EXECUTION that supports mutiple screen sizes. I wonder if the Apple Watch is square intentionally with this in mind? Or, is it square just because it's a watch. A bit of both maybe? Hmm... I've been spending some time recently on a finding / building a better way to do screen layout (UI Parts, widgets, data, images, etc) that's happy on different devices. There's always a delicate balance between several COMPETING forces. Design time (developers ability to conceptualize their design, oftentimes without actual data), Run Time (what end users see on their device) and Distribution Time. What app binaries do customers actually get or download? Watch? Phone? Tablet? Only? Together? All at once, individually. Does the same "app" run on multiple devices, seemingly it should or has to more and more, right? Finishing that tangent...I'm just saying somebody needs to come up with a better way to do this. "Them, Us, Me, Anyone" - somebody has to figure this out. And soon, or, else, the good-old-fashion WEB will take over, again. It's my opinion that this single idea is the biggest risk "native" has over web, in terms of preventing native from being a passing fad and not a longterm PERMANENT thing, like the web (an old fashion netork delivering simple text-based-markup). @Chris1: Don't look forward to a custom ROM for an iOS device anytime soon. Or ever for that matter. Sounds like a neat idea, and I like your thinking, but I'll bet two cheap beat-up sailboats and a warm beer against it. Not gonna happen. I'll bet the same booty on Android going CLOSED before iOS goes more open :-) Keep em' coming, good stuff here...
Code is Art
Posts: 1025
Reg: Jun 07, 2012
06/08/15 07:25 PM (9 years ago)
1) No. There will always be 'makers' that need the full utility of a computer. 2) Phone and laptop. At the same time. 3) Until I can install a solar panel on my bald head the utility of the watch will be limited. Can you imagine what playing a slot machine game, or Trivia Crack will do to the battery life of the watch. Just last week my boss left his Android Wear watch at home 2 times cuz it wasn't fully charged. He loves the utility it gives him, but he can't have that utility all the time.
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
06/08/15 08:15 PM (9 years ago)
Hey I can always dream! Besides ... What else can open source mean other than open? Oh wait, don't answer that! It's Apple :P. Seriously though, that's the one big advantage Android has over iOS in my opinion. We're looking at using high-tech location hardware embedded in devices. No way to do that on a closed source device. Otherwise it'd be a no brainier I'm sure. Well, that and elevation is a nice touch I'm finding... :)
Veteran developer
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Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/08/15 10:26 PM (9 years ago)
David, it just so happens that you typed 433 words or 2555 characters with spaces in your post that started this thread. Pray tell us, did you type them on your -- iPhone, -- on your iPad, -- on a keyboard of some kind, or -- on your laptop computer? You see, the physical shapes of our bodies are not going to change any time soon. The MAIN reason apps exist at all is because you cannot tap on a tiny entry field when a 4.3 inch device shows you a HTML page. Look at the menus, say Menu Simple. It has rows of, say, 40 pixels high... why? Because that is just sufficiently bigger than the surface of a finger when tapping on the screen. No David, I do not see desktop size computer going away any time soon. It is not the only show in town, that's for sure, but you cannot run Xcode on an iPhone either, can you? Apple sells 60-70 millions of iPhones per quarter now, but they still try very hard to sell you 3 or 4 million Mac too. They couldn't sell them if there were not people willing to buy them. The demise of PC is not yet behind the corner.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
06/08/15 10:29 PM (9 years ago)
iPad for 'consumption' MacBook Pro for 'creation'. iPhone for 'communication'. I need all three. Cheers! -- Smug
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
06/08/15 11:12 PM (9 years ago)
@Dusko -- I have been known to write books with my former Blackberry and now with iPhone. Humans are excellent at adapting to the device at our fingertips. :-) @Chris1 -- Open sourcing of Swift will lead to server-side Web Frameworks that will compete with Ruby and NodeJS and others. Prediction -- in two years, Swift will be the alternative to JavaScript within the Safari browsers. Then Native apps can be delivered through the browser -- applets! :-). (Hark back to glory days of client-side Java) Auto Layout is difficult ... That's why there are many libraries trying to simplify it with a insulative shell. Seriously, I am wishing for an HTML style of Table-based layouts with 35-45-20 percent based column widths. Table-based layouts still beat CSS-based layouts any day. Bring the Web into Native for layouts! And ... Gimme a badge for attending the Apple WWDC 2015 keynote! ;-) -- Niraj
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Reg: Sep 20, 2012
06/09/15 12:25 AM (9 years ago)
Wouldn't it be fun to be able to make apps using Siri? Then maybe the pc would go away.. at least for developers. Thanks for the update. El Capitan?!! That is an odd one! Here's hoping it's a treasure from heaven!
David @ buzztouch
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 6866
Reg: Jan 01, 2010
Monterey, CA
06/09/15 12:58 AM (9 years ago)
@Derval: El Capitan, could it be possible that you've never heard of it or seen it? Hmm, I do live in a bubble! Here ya go... http://www.myyosemite.com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/el-_capitan-2.11.14.jpg?itok=jbPIynx2 Dusko: I spoke to Siri, mostly. I touched me phone a few times to make some edits. This post is Sirit too with a copy/paste of that URL to the image. :-)
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 393
Reg: Sep 07, 2011
West Midlands
06/09/15 02:12 AM (9 years ago)
Here is a thought about the devices which we use – We used to sit at the computer and look straight ahead. Then we started using laptops at our desk and elsewhere and started looking down a little as we worked. Then we started using phones and tablets and started looking almost towards our feet as we worked and surfed. Result? A significant increase in the amount of neck and back problems across the population. I recently heard from a physiotherapist that this situation means that he and his colleagues will be in a job for life. It might be worth hanging on to your dusty old PC and using it if only for the sake of your neck and back. – John
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1008
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
06/09/15 02:29 AM (9 years ago)
Totally agree with Smug's beautifully concise comment: "iPad for 'consumption' MacBook Pro for 'creation'. iPhone for 'communication'. " Farcat
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
06/09/15 04:20 AM (9 years ago)
@Niraj - lol, that's bold! I think that might be true if they also made a Windows version, but otherwise it won't likely become mainstream. Too many corporations rely on Windows. Linux is a big step, no doubt. But I don't foresee Swift replacing JavaScript. But who knows... Are you actually at WWDC? Totally jealous!
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
06/09/15 04:22 AM (9 years ago)
Chris, Did you say, you are a full time Android developer? LA
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
06/09/15 04:25 AM (9 years ago)
Yep! Who would've thought, right? :)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
06/09/15 04:27 AM (9 years ago)
I know right!!!! Next @MacApple will be one lol LA
Angry Ninja
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Reg: Aug 25, 2013
06/09/15 06:49 AM (9 years ago)
Perfect combo for me is my 11" Macbook Air (for coding and heavy lifting), iPhone 6 Plus, and Apple Watch. I just recently got the watch and love that I can take a call, read an incoming email and send/receive texts without ever taking my phone out of my pocket. I have an iPad Mini also, but rarely use that at all anymore. The iPhone 6 Plus basically replaced it. When I ordered my 11" Macbook Air, I had it built with every possible upgrade (processor, ram, largest ssd hd, etc), so it's a powerhouse in a very small package. The 11" is just so light, small and portable it's ridiculous.
Lost but trying
Posts: 103
Reg: Mar 08, 2013
06/09/15 07:07 AM (9 years ago)
Did some one mention Siri? https://www.facebook.com/364076033786842/videos/373421192852326/ Kicking myself I am too busy and cannot make it down to Sydney to hangout with El Capitan, Kaybee and others on the weekend! David, if you happen to make a stopover in Darwin on your way back I can organise a discounted tour to Australia's largest and best National park, Kakadu!
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Reg: Jan 23, 2012
06/09/15 09:03 AM (9 years ago)
David!! Have fun down there! 1. I think PCs will have there place in the professional world. 2. My favorite combo is iphone and macbook. 3. I had a long conversation with a few students yesterday about the apple watch. They were saying - they dont understand why it is such a big deal! Android has had smart phones out for a while. Android has similar apps on the smart watch.- Im not sure yet how the apple watch will change everything. I wish I could see into the future.
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
06/09/15 09:55 AM (9 years ago)
I walk around with an iPhone, I keep a windows desktop for my office, I develop apps on a mac mini, I uses a kindle for reading and I have a windows 7 laptop for everything else. Everything else is noise... BTW, all the worlds best technology devices were invented first by Gene Roddenberry. Cheers, Alan
Veteran developer
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Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/09/15 11:49 AM (9 years ago)
>all the worlds best technology devices were invented first by Gene Roddenberry. Ah, that is a very clever remark. So true!
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
06/10/15 02:14 AM (9 years ago)
Aspiring developer
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Reg: Oct 20, 2011
06/10/15 09:49 PM (9 years ago)
Love pc's, love building them. Wish you could build your own tablet/phone.

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