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Aspiring developer
Posts: 76
Reg: Dec 23, 2014
Weatherford, TX
05/30/15 05:35 AM (9 years ago)

Menus and Screens

I'm using a menu plugin that allows me to put an image for each item. I'm using png so the background is clear. When I first open the app everything is okay with the white background showing. However, when I click a button to another screen and then come back, some of the buttons show a black background against the screen's white background. Have tried everything I can think of; I don't know where the black is coming from. Also I may not fully understand how a menu and screen works. I have a Home menu that is the same as the home screen. Is there anything I can access that will explain all that? (Android) thanks
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
05/30/15 06:53 AM (9 years ago)
Well, the 'home' screen is really a nice name for the 'first' screen. You need to 'set' the home screen, in your 'layout/tabs' section of your app control panel. And all it does, is ensure that your 'home' screen is the first screen people see. If you dont set a home screen, then spurious results may occur, due to the nature of json. David@BT setup the 'home' screen function to make certain that a particular screen (of the users choosing) shows up first. If you have a 'single' screen layout, then the home screen is the first screen. If you use tabs, then the home screen is the screen assigned to the first tab. (You can tell which one is the home screen, from the 'refresh' button in the top left part of the screen's navbar). (If you use a splash screen, know that the splash screen will appear, and the 'home' screen is loading 'underneath' it. when the splash screen is dismissed, the home screen 'appears'. It doesn't have to be a menu, but it does need to be a 'screen' (not an action); either menu or content. A 'menu' is kind of what it says; a screen that allows the user to choose from one or more screens, similar to the way an html link will take you to a different web page. The appearance might be slightly different depending on the menu and the plugin developer, but they all share the same function; selection of another screen from two or more choices (configured in the control panel, usually). With respect to the icon/image turning black, that might be your image, it might be android. Just because I hate android, I'm likely to blame it for everything, lol! But try recreating one or two of your icons with a white background (to match your current screens) and see if the problem reoccurs. If it does, then something is up with your image creation workflow. If it does not, it's probably an android fluke. Hope this helps some, but feel free to inquire on any detail if I didn't explain it completely. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
05/30/15 08:22 AM (9 years ago)
I have seen transparent buttons lose their transparency on Android. Android and graphics causes me problems; I find it is important to optimise things wherever possible. My starting suggestion is to make the images as small as you can, (i.e. the correct pixel size, don't let Android do any resizing) and include the images in the project if you can. Also, it might be a bug in the plugin. Try that, let us know how you get on. Alan
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
05/30/15 10:31 AM (9 years ago)
Which plugin are you using? If it is one of Susan's excellent plugins (Menu With Image etc.), then you should either have all icons in all rows, or none. If some rows have icons and some do not, then the behaviour may be a bit voluntary.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 76
Reg: Dec 23, 2014
Weatherford, TX
05/30/15 11:38 AM (9 years ago)
I fixed the black background of some of the buttons by remaking them on a solid white background. No problems. Now. Still working on the menus/screens. I chose a non-tabbed that would open a home menu (if that makes sense...) I seem to be getting the hang of it. Lot of trial and error. Thanks all.

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