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Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
05/31/15 04:53 AM (9 years ago)

SmugEula: Updated to v1.4

How-Dee. I've updated the Smug Eula plugin to version 1.4; changes are in iOS only (for now). Changes: 1) Removed the checkbox; user must now scroll completely through the Eula before the 'accept' button is enabled. 2) 'Accept Button' text says 'please read the eula' until the bottom is reached. Then it changes to the control panel text. 3) removed all those pesky xibs, and added code that will allow proper appearance on all iOS devices. For members, it's $9.99 lang... (sorry; just came back from the philippines). https://www.buzztouch.com/plugins/plugin.php?pid=4A1FE7BE43DF0F060E36B00 As always, don't be shy with comments or corrections. It seems I'm aging faster these days. Cheers! -- Smug
Code is Art
Posts: 737
Reg: Oct 29, 2011
location unknow...
05/31/15 04:09 PM (9 years ago)
Awesome plugin!

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