Aspiring developer
Posts: 118
Reg: Feb 01, 2013
New York
05/12/15 12:20 PM (9 years ago)

iOS App was not displaying in full screen

Hi, I have an iOS App and deployed it to the iPhone Retina (5-inch 64-bit) iOS 8.1 Simulator. I have set the iPhone Deployment Target to 8.1 for iPhone/iPod devices only. However when I deploy the app, it does not utilize the full 5-inch screen. Its shrunken the app to fit a 4.5-inch screen with black bars on the top. Does anyone know what's causing this and how to correct it? Thanks.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
05/12/15 08:09 PM (9 years ago)
You really need to provide more detail if you expect assistance. I can sit here for hours pondering a question that can never be answered, because we really don't know much other than 'it does not work'. What plugin? Does it do this on other iOS versions, or just 8.1? What about other simulators? iPhone 4? iPhone 6? Is it expect tab or other navigation bars? Inquiring minds want to know... Cheers! -- Smug
Apple Fan
Posts: 694
Reg: Nov 08, 2011
05/13/15 02:40 AM (9 years ago)
I can answer that ;-) You need to assign the 5-inch launch images to see the screen without the black bars!

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