Aspiring developer
Posts: 66
Reg: Jan 12, 2013
06/13/16 04:48 PM (8 years ago)

Error when compiling iOS apps

I am in the process of updating my apps to the latest XCode. I have worked through all the issues of uploading the latest SDK's and changing the Deployment Target to the point where the app will compile without errors. The problem is a blank screen comes up with the warning message "There was a problem downloading some required data. Try again?" I try again and still nothing. I am using the self hosted version of buzztouch. As another thread suggested, I validated my JSON data and it is good. That thread had the same error related to a new plugin. Mind you, this is when I am trying to compile code that has previously worked. I am using the latest X-Code. Maybe there's something else I need to change ????
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
06/13/16 10:57 PM (8 years ago)
Hi David, The first step I take when trying to debug anything in Xcode is to check the Debug panel for any messages that might give me a clue. Could be that you're hitting the dreaded https issue (Secure Transport, I think it's called), and that you just need to add something to the project to make it work. That would be my guess, but until we see the actual error, it's hard to say. So, crack open the Debug panel, and let us know what error is showing when that message pops up! Thanks! Mark
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/14/16 12:00 AM (8 years ago)
>trying to compile code that has previously worked Let me guess, you are trying to update the app that worked but now does not have Internet access? That kind of problems started with iOS 9 and its called Secure Transport. To cure it, download any iOS app from the BT server and it will have the proper code to resolve the Secure Transport problem in its BT_info.plist file. That will be under NSAppTransportSecurity tag. If that is missing from the BT_info.plist in your current (old) app, then add it through Xcode. You may also want to search these forums for that kind of error, there were several posts about it six months ago or so.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
06/14/16 12:02 AM (8 years ago)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 66
Reg: Jan 12, 2013
06/14/16 08:40 PM (8 years ago)
That worked Dusko. I just opened up one of apps that worked and dragged the NSAppTransportSecurity line of BT_info.plist over and the app seems to work now. WooHoo. Hopefully I am ready to resubmit some apps now :)

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