Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
New Zealand
06/02/15 06:25 AM (9 years ago)

Went to run test on AVD. Crashed.

Hey guys, I get the following error when trying to load a plain app that I had just started, I haven't done any editing at all. Created it and then downloaded it and ran it. I thought it would run straight away. FYI I tested a plain hello world without the BT system and it worked. Thanks for help in advance. Dave ---- 06-03 01:19:33.834 1918-1933/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fragment_load_config_data:loadAppConfigData downloading app data from: 06-03 01:19:33.834 1918-1933/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_downloader:downloadTextData from URL: 06-03 01:19:35.184 1918-1933/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_downloader:downloadTextData from URL EXCEPTION: Trust anchor for certification path not found. URL: 06-03 01:19:35.184 1918-1933/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fragment_load_config_data:loadAppConfigData An exception occurred (55). java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
06/02/15 10:00 AM (9 years ago)
Is there anything in LogCat past the last line you pasted there? I'm interested in more of the exception stuff. Mark
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
06/02/15 11:31 AM (9 years ago)
Please do not post links to your app this plainly, since anyone with App Copier will be able to copy your app straight away.
Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
New Zealand
06/03/15 04:20 AM (9 years ago)
@Dusko: this is a test/trash version of what im doing. so its totally fine if someone copies it. I thought about this when I decided to find a solution to my problem. @mark: Here is the total log from logcat. 06-03 23:14:40.720 2201-2201/com.rucis I/art﹕ Not late-enabling -Xcheck:jni (already on) 06-03 23:14:40.811 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ rucis_appDelegate: onCreate 06-03 23:14:40.812 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ rucis_appDelegate:loadAudioPlayer 06-03 23:14:40.813 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_application: Creating root-app object. 06-03 23:14:40.813 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device: Creating root-device object. 06-03 23:14:40.814 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device: This device uses an Android display density of: 240dpi (dots per inch) 06-03 23:14:40.814 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device: This device can take pictures. 06-03 23:14:40.814 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device: This device can take videos. 06-03 23:14:40.814 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device: This device can send emails. 06-03 23:14:40.816 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device: This device is GPS capable. 06-03 23:14:40.823 2201-2220/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ rucis_appDelegate:SoundEffectLoader:doInBackground initSoundEffects 06-03 23:14:40.823 2201-2220/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ rucis_appDelegate:SoundEffectLoader:doInBackground initSoundEffects DISABLED 06-03 23:14:40.843 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device: This device does support vibrating. 06-03 23:14:40.843 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device: This device has an accelerometer (it can detect shaking). 06-03 23:14:40.844 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device: This device can record audio. 06-03 23:14:40.844 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device:updateDeviceConnectionType: ConnectionType: CELL 06-03 23:14:40.844 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_user: Creating root-user object. 06-03 23:14:40.892 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_activity_start:onCreate 06-03 23:14:40.892 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_activity_start:onCreate This device is running Android Build Vers:22 06-03 23:14:40.895 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_activity_start:loadAppConfigData 06-03 23:14:40.897 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fragment_load_config_data:onCreate 06-03 23:14:40.897 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fragment_load_config_data:onCreateView 06-03 23:14:41.139 2201-2213/com.rucis W/art﹕ Suspending all threads took: 23.618ms 06-03 23:14:41.206 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device:updateDeviceConnectionType: ConnectionType: CELL 06-03 23:14:41.206 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device:updateDeviceSize This device has a screen size of: 480 (width) x 800 (height). 06-03 23:14:41.206 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device:updateDeviceSize This application considers this to be a "small device" 06-03 23:14:41.206 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_device:updateDeviceSize This device is in "portrait" orientation. 06-03 23:14:41.209 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fragment_load_config_data:loadAppConfigData loading "BT_config.txt" from /assests folder in project... 06-03 23:14:41.318 2201-2201/com.rucis D/﹕ HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0xb3fd91d0, tid 2201 06-03 23:14:41.868 2201-2201/com.rucis I/Choreographer﹕ Skipped 32 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 06-03 23:14:45.570 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fileManager: readTextFileFromAssets: "/BT_config.txt" 06-03 23:14:45.570 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fragment_load_config_data:loadAppConfigData loaded "BT_config.txt" from /assets folder successfully... 06-03 23:14:45.570 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_application: getDataURLFromAppData 06-03 23:14:45.599 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fragment_load_config_data:loadAppConfigData "BT_config.txt" file does use a dataURL for remote updates... 06-03 23:14:45.600 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fragment_load_config_data:loadAppConfigData cachedAppConfig.txt does not exist in the cache, using the BT_config.txt file included in project... 06-03 23:14:45.600 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_application: validateApplicationData 06-03 23:14:45.601 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fragment_load_config_data:loadAppConfigData application data appears to be valid JSON... 06-03 23:14:45.601 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_application: parseJSONData 06-03 23:14:45.601 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_application: parsing core settings... 06-03 23:14:45.601 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_application: parsing themes... 06-03 23:14:45.601 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_application: parsing tabs... 06-03 23:14:45.601 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_application: parsing menus... 06-03 23:14:45.601 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_application: parsing screens... 06-03 23:14:45.601 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_application:parseJSONData done parsing application data 06-03 23:14:45.601 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fragment_load_config_data:loadAppConfigData downloading app data from: 06-03 23:14:45.601 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_downloader:downloadTextData from URL: 06-03 23:14:46.890 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_downloader:downloadTextData from URL EXCEPTION: Trust anchor for certification path not found. URL: 06-03 23:14:46.893 2201-2226/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ BT_fragment_load_config_data:loadAppConfigData An exception occurred (55). java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare() 06-03 23:14:47.060 2201-2213/com.rucis I/art﹕ Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 977(46KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 15% free, 851KB/1013KB, paused 1.342ms total 140.829ms 06-03 23:14:47.713 2201-2208/com.rucis W/art﹕ Suspending all threads took: 5.058ms 06-03 23:14:57.812 2201-2201/com.rucis W/ZZ﹕ rucis_appDelegate: onTrimMemory with level: 20
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
06/03/15 06:40 AM (9 years ago)
You have any images in there? Also, not always true but sometimes, when I see it skipping frames, it could be a large App or running out of memory. Try a different emulator or best yet, try a device. LA
Lost but trying
Posts: 6
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
New Zealand
06/03/15 07:28 PM (9 years ago)
I created the app. compiled and downloaded, then loaded it into studio, then ran it with the emulator. changed nothing. I done this in eclipse when I started Buzztouch with the BTU. there was no issue. I will try using a different emulator. thanks for the suggestions.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
06/04/15 04:37 AM (9 years ago)
ok keep us informed! LA

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