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Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
04/03/13 02:06 AM (11 years ago)

Live mode and BT Push

For a while now I have been unable to get an IOS app to register in 'live mode' for push on my BT hosted control panel. I put it down to the tricky way of generating certificates and code signing profiles, but yesterday, I think I proved it isn't me and I suspect I am am not alone. I have a test App called buzztestcp. I managed to get it working with Parse push, both Dev and AdHoc code-signing. I was really pleased to see AdHoc working. I needed to rename a couple of core BT ‘methods’ that were duplicated for Parse to work but it works very well now. For BT push, Dev mode works OK. In BT Live mode, the device never registers for push. I have heard others say the same thing. This app is hosted on the Buzztouch control panel, so self-hosting isn't the issue. The successful Parse test proves the certificates and code signing profiles are correct, the certificates are correct and that both pushes can co-exist in one apple app. It also strongly implies that my Buzztouch hosted Push doesn’t work for live push. Thoughts anyone?
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
04/03/13 07:02 AM (11 years ago)
IMO the fact that a good handful of pretty knowledgable developers here have had so many issues is why I haven't even looked at the feature. There are so many other options like Parse, UA, Appoxee that have additional PN features that I prefer to use for now. I just want to remove the BT PN code and make sure it's not conflicting with other PN services I want to use. I think the feature is a great idea but very difficult for one man to deploy. I don't see any of the other free app builders that probably have large development teams offering this service because it's complex and difficult to build an APN that works for everyone on all hosts and all scenarios. If David keeps at it he'll get it ironed out eventually, but some factors are not in his control which has to make this really tough. It would be interesting to hear from someone using BT PN in a production app on both platforms with no issues....?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
04/03/13 07:26 AM (11 years ago)
Ji @Atrain53, it's all about the challenge! I should add that I ran the port script kindly uploaded by @epicweb here https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=24445F0B45F79458E3C9881 and that BT Android push works in design and live mode.
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
04/03/13 07:32 AM (11 years ago)
My 5 yr old is enough of a challenge for me- PN doesn't need to be this difficult! You are self hosting? You have Parse PN working on Android app with BT PN also working? You can send a message from each PN 'service' to a device?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
04/03/13 08:33 AM (11 years ago)
Hi @Atrain53 - Yes self hosting, I use my Buzztouch hosted control panel too. On my self hosted I have Parse and BT push working in Android, on self hosted. I've had Parse Push on my Android apps working for a while. For BT Push, it works in Dev mode, self hosted, but on closer inspection, not the same app as Parse push (I have them together on an IOS app). I will go back and see if they will work on the one Android app together.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
04/03/13 09:13 AM (11 years ago)
OK, just updated my test app on my Buzztouch CP - it worked before with BT push, I've added parse push and now both work on one android app, live mode.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
04/04/13 04:03 AM (11 years ago)
So I have now created two ios apps and I cannot get my apple devices to register on the BT push console in 'live' mode at all, no way, no how, neither in self hosted or buzztouch hosted. On the plus side, I have parse working properly again, so I am sure my certificates are good. But I would like to get the BT solution cracked too. Is this a bug?

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