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Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
03/11/13 08:20 AM (11 years ago)

Tea time reading - The Android Paradox, Hackers and Casuals

Some Monday tea time reading. Interesting wee post. The Android Paradox, Hackers and Casuals http://acoustik.quora.com/The-Android-Paradox-Hackers-and-Casuals
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2251
Reg: Feb 22, 2012
03/11/13 08:27 AM (11 years ago)
Another reason for facepalm when it comes to android programming. I was looking in the carphone warehouse at a cheap android smart phone to possibly begin building plugins for android, there were dozens of different screen sizes at different ratios and pixel density, the cheapest phones were still running 2.2. What would be the best devices to work on, the simulator is awful.
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
03/11/13 08:31 AM (11 years ago)
It's a pain mate. I use an old SII, decent screen size (middle of the road I suppose) think it's running, eh, man, can't remember now. 2 something or other. The sims are indeed awful. Looking for a cheap tablet now.
Apple Fan
Posts: 956
Reg: Dec 20, 2011
London, UK
03/11/13 09:43 AM (11 years ago)
Very interesting read. Its left me more in two minds about Android than I was before!
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
03/11/13 09:46 AM (11 years ago)
Ha! To answer your question on other thread Cooper is a nightmare. 6 months now, less accidents but developing more gangsta tendencies as each day passes.
Apple Fan
Posts: 956
Reg: Dec 20, 2011
London, UK
03/11/13 10:00 AM (11 years ago)
I feel for you mate. Bert wouldn't have made it that far!! Off topic, I can't locate the thread with the iTunes connect blank images for 'shake' and such. Any ideas?!
Code is Art
Posts: 2661
Reg: Feb 13, 2011
Palm Springs, C...
03/11/13 10:37 AM (11 years ago)
Ohhhhhhhhhh Android:)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 264
Reg: Jan 05, 2013
03/11/13 04:06 PM (11 years ago)
Good point. By the numbers from end 2012, Android had 75% of WW market share and iOS had 15% market share. From that you may think that it makes more sense to start with Android rather that iOS. Going deeper into technical and social experience the answer is NO and YES. 75% MS for Android need to clarify which Android version and what hardware we are talking about: I read about more than 700 devices that one company tested their app on, I read about more than 2000 and even maybe 5000 possible existig types of Android devices. One model of an Android phone may have more than 7 hw releases. Google, Samsung and their gang member tend to invest a lot of money into marketing of the idea of one almighty Android, that is beating the iOS, to tell their prospective customer what to buy. Which of the breeds do they mean actually? Is it the breed of Nexus 4, that is sold in maybe 10 countries in the world and actually they underestimated the demand by 90% and now they want to introduce a new design? Is it the breed Samsung phones, that use Samsung sw above Android called Touch Wiz, modifying the original Android features and causing some of the apps crash? Is it the breed of HTC, which is using their own sw above Android called HTC Sense, doing the same things like Samsung? Is it the breed of Android used in TV sets and other electronics that need some spice up and oftentimes it is a must to have some open operating system as everything is computer steered? Or is it the breed of the Samsung tablets, that do everything except what you would like them to do? Or is it the breed of small phones with archaic 320x240 resolution, that look good when pulled out of a purse? Those phones do not have more than the original set of apps for the manufacturer, because it make pain to install anything there. I tried a few time for my friends. You can make phone calls, send sms, use navigation. I really do not know. I would be happy to say which one is the one with that great future. In about a week I will be getting a brand new LG Optimus L9. I will use it as a testing device. I hope it works. A brand new HTC from a friend of mine quit working today, we had to communice by e-mails on a computer, no phone calls. The same for another friend, his screed on his brand new HTC is already broken and will fall apart very soon. YES, there is a huge market out there in China and India, better saying in Asia, and probably also in South America. All devices there have one thing in common: Android. The growth is definitely over there, the anglo-saxon countries with their pals are very saturated with phones, there is very little children being born except for the hispanic population in the US, so it is not likely to expect double digit growth in the US, Europe, Australia. Now, who is going to develop for China or India? It is possible, sure. Can you read or write in Chinese? Is the mass market in China going to accept English on their home screen? India has 38 official languages and many more that are not codified. SuVinay, please correct me if I am wrong. So which Android are you supposed to choose, if you want to tap that market? I like Android personally and I like the idea of open system. So I like technically well engineered devices and working operation system. Do not understand my questions as offensive to any system. If you have answers, I will be happy to change my mind. Frogman

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