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Lost but trying
Posts: 23
Reg: Dec 31, 2013
02/19/14 04:32 AM (10 years ago)

In for a penny...

Hi, I'm a children's author by trade - with some published books - though in recent times this market is becoming increasingly saturated. Over the years I've picked up lots of info and want to get it over in a handy app for other writers to browse. I have all the topics and sub topics and text ready and now need to create an app. Easily said than done in my case. I've played about with inserting text but now gather - from reading previous posts - that html doc route is best ... Reading on, it all became rather technical and I got lost as to where to store stuff and have it easily accessible offline when using the app. So I'm sat here, staring at a screen and thinking that the best way forward is to say hi and virtually greet a few of you lovely people. The weird thing is that writers like me just want to write for our chosen audience, but increasingly need to develop apps/ebooks to get our words out there, unless we pay big bucks. So I'm keen to learn more about app creation on buzz touch, but - if I'm honest - not have to spend loads of time learning coding skills..... Cheers
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/19/14 05:00 AM (10 years ago)
Welcome! Worry not, things will make sense to you soon! Just stick with it a little bit and the fog clears fast! I guess my first question would be is it in iOS or Android, or will you be doing both? regardless, all of your html files will want to be either available on the internet, in which case you would supply a dataURL (an web address to find the document) or a filename if you're including the documents 'in your bundle' (in the application). If it's in the application, you will 'add' the document in your BT_docs directory. Check the forum posts by Dusko… Not sure if he does kids books, but he does books… Mostly for Android, and a wide variety at that. His suggestions usually seem pretty sound. and if there's anything else you need answered, the forum is pretty good for that… Cheers! -- Smug
Lost but trying
Posts: 23
Reg: Dec 31, 2013
02/19/14 05:12 AM (10 years ago)
Wow, thanks for the prompt and helpful reply. Yes, lots of fog where I am - literally, this being Scotland - just need to get my head out of the clouds... I shall have a look at Dusko... thanks AA
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
02/19/14 05:33 AM (10 years ago)
(The fanfares first sound feebly and distantly, but they end up in crescendo!) And here I am! I'd be glad to help you out to create ebooks with Buzztouch. I have converted my Kindle books to Android apps and you can compare them conveniently here: http://duskosavic.com/blog/apps-as-a-business/from-kindle-ebooks-to-android-apps-case-study-of-six-ebooks-of-mine/ Please download one or several of these apps and analyze them. Is that what you want -- a chapter by chapter from ebooks to an app!? In that case, you are already at home with Buzztouch and you will be able to churn out your ebooks as apps on your own. HTML Doc would be the way to go if you wanted it all manually. Or you may want to try out my "HTML to app" converter site, which will do all of that within a minute or so!? Maybe you would want apps that are based on your already existing books but you'd want to take the advantage of apps being alive? In a book, you cannot have live quiz but in an app, you can. In a book, you cannot have games, but in apps -- you guessed it -- you can. If you want your books to become interactive apps, well, that's where we programmers come in. But that is further down the road for you at this moment! Or, may be to use the traffic from the apps store to generate interest in your already printed and published books? I'd recommend you try out Buzztouch by starting out to create your own app. Within days or a couple of weeks at the most, it all starts making sense until apps creation with Buzztouch becomes second nature to you. If in doubt, ask here in the forums, we are here to help!
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
02/19/14 05:35 AM (10 years ago)
Ah, a fellow weegie. Lit up my morning when I saw Glasgow under your name, born and bred there my good man, welcome aboard! Always happy to help in any way I can brother. There are a few people around these parts have done similar so you are in good company. Boy do I miss Glasgow, always get crazy goosebumps when the plane gets over the coast and starts coming in towards the airport. Fog indeed. Yir new best pal. Slainte Keith
Lost but trying
Posts: 23
Reg: Dec 31, 2013
02/19/14 06:04 AM (10 years ago)
Ta for the advice, Dusko. Much appreciated. I shall have a play around and see how far I get. Your Teething app is basically the text set up I want, though I am keen to add pictures, jazz things up a little. My books have nearly all been traditionally published - my website goes into my writing bio and history - http://www.alandapre.com Fairly recently I published three kids picture ebooks as fixed layout kindle docs - using a template. Not created any purely text based kindle books using Word html, so have no html docs. So...I'm starting with basic 'fresh out of my head' text from a text editor. I'm looking for the best way to create a clutter free html doc that I can put in Xcode... Realise I should start asking questions in a different forum... @ Keith - I live a few miles from Glasgow, love the place. My Scottish wife is from there, though I am originally from England. Scotland is fab, great scenery, great people, great place to bring up kids - just need to wrap up warm and get used to lots of rain. Al
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
02/19/14 08:21 AM (10 years ago)
> Your Teething app is basically the text set up I want That would be a very good place to start your own first ebook app here. As for pictures, it does get easier if you have your own pictures and illustrations to draw from. Or just buy it online, as I did for the cover of the Teething ebook. The water is always colder until someone pushes you into it. Let your app publishing adventure begin!
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
02/19/14 08:30 AM (10 years ago)
Great comments Dusko, good man for jumping in so quickly. AuthorAl - your wife is a good lady then. Still have family in Glasgow. All the best with your new adventure.

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