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I hate code!
Posts: 222
Reg: Jun 12, 2011
Tasmania, Austr...
02/19/14 11:16 AM (10 years ago)

BuzzTouch U Learning Path course error

GDay I am trying to complete my first BuzzTouch U Learning Path course. I have completed Core Concept 100%, then I complete Control Panel Basics 100% but after that when I click on take the 3rd course "Your First App" a red error comes up saying I must take the course in order (which is what I am doing) then the site redirects me back to the 1st course again. Hope someone at BT can take a look as Im keen to complete them all :) Thanks Terry Tasmania
I hate code!
Posts: 222
Reg: Jun 12, 2011
Tasmania, Austr...
02/19/14 11:19 AM (10 years ago)
Sorry - should have posted this under "BT website issues"
I hate code!
Posts: 222
Reg: Jun 12, 2011
Tasmania, Austr...
02/20/14 11:56 AM (10 years ago)
Update - FIXED!! Issue was clicking on "next lesson" link caused an error, whereas if I just click "go back to BTU" it allows me to continue to lesson 3 with a green tick.

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