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Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
01/29/17 12:17 PM (7 years ago)

Issues update from BT team

BT Team, A lot of bugs are being reported across many different forum posts. Is someone from BT collating these into a list? and is the any chance you can keep the BT members updated with progress? Back with the first release of 4.0, it was reported by myself and many other members about the tabbed layout not working, and I've not seen any updates since? At the moment its just a case of sitting and waiting until a new release comes out. It would be nice to hear progress updates a lot more frequently if possible, or at least know which bugs are being worked on. A lot of the core features do not work at present and its a little frustrating to the paying members. I, for one, have a lot of things on hold at the moment because its not worth the effort building anything whilst in this state I hope this doesn't come across too negative. its just a little annoying at the moment. I understand there is a lot of work being done behind the scenes on all of this. It would just be nice to hear the progress
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
01/29/17 04:41 PM (7 years ago)
Fair point, eloquently made.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
01/29/17 05:52 PM (7 years ago)
@Bonzo, thank you for your post. Like we mentioned first up we wanted to keep all bug reports on one post, for two reasons, 1 for us to manage and 2 for users to see the fixes in one place. Obviously this has not happened. Would you be so kind as to list your "A lot of core features do not work as present" on this post to be clear what you are referring to. Thank you for your feedback Kristen
immacul8 apps
Aspiring developer
Posts: 58
Reg: Sep 10, 2012
01/29/17 11:31 PM (7 years ago)
I also agree. I was happy to renew subscription and continue using buzztouchs 'working' services. I am now trying to create several new apps but am already finding issues with BT plugins. Either going to take me a lot of time trying to fix myself and I'm only beginner developer, or wait for the code to be fixed.. Wouldn't a quick solution be to revert back to previous working BT version (if possible of course). Thanks Kristan Halls Immacul8 Apps
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 659
Reg: Sep 22, 2012
Perth, Australi...
01/29/17 11:37 PM (7 years ago)
Kristan, You and Bonzo are talking about two different things, BT core versus 3rd party Plugins... Again, please list the issues you are experiencing, we can't guess what they are. No chance to move backwards in code, we are moving forwards.
immacul8 apps
Aspiring developer
Posts: 58
Reg: Sep 10, 2012
01/30/17 12:38 AM (7 years ago)
Sorry Kristen I am also referring to the BT_core. when running customHTML page on android device (5.0.1 API21) the screen loads with navigation bar at the top but no page contents. I've left the original code to test, I can see that it retrieves the data from the data_URL but nothing is displayed in webview. OK well forwards it is
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
01/30/17 11:30 PM (7 years ago)
@immacul8 apps: Are you having this problem on an emulator or actual device? If emulator, try actual device. If you do have it on an actual device, please send me a private message with your project's dataURL as well as the device specs you are using.
immacul8 apps
Aspiring developer
Posts: 58
Reg: Sep 10, 2012
01/31/17 12:03 AM (7 years ago)
sent you a msg chris1 Thanks
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
01/31/17 01:24 AM (7 years ago)
@Kaybee, These are some bug ive seen so far: iOS 1. menu line remains highlighed when you return to menu screen 2. Tabbed layout will not show 3. Auto refreshes when you open the app without the optional popup to refresh contents or not Android 1. background color on theme not working through app 2. Menu simple, text is half cut off 3. menu line remains highlighed when you return to menu screen 4. No refresh button on Android when in non tabbed layout? (when in tabbed layout i see the refresh option) 5. Auto refreshes when you open the app and then pops up the option to refresh or not 6. prompts for an update on every launch even if no changes made 7. When in tabbed layout, theme colors do not work 8. menu button, button sizes do not adjust Application name: 'testing' on my BT panel. Thanks Steve

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