Discussion Forums  >  Plugins, Customizing, Source Code

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Hugo Furneaux
Aspiring developer
Posts: 10
Reg: Feb 07, 2014
01/12/15 05:20 AM (9 years ago)

New Devleoper Account Buzztouch Push Notifications

Hello, I'm not really sure how to tackle this - I have a buzztouch hosted app with buzztouch push notifications and it has 3,000 current Push subscribers. A month ago I created a new iOS developer account and moved this app to that different new account. At the moment the push notifications work fine as the source code is still the older one. However, now I need to update the app and send off a new source code. How could I update the app and keep the current push subscribers? As I've changed the developer account will I be able to send notifications to the current/old subscribers? Thanks a lot, Hugo

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