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Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Mildura, Austra...
02/22/15 06:45 PM (9 years ago)

Intercepting Right Navbar Tap iOS - Load a non BT View

Hi All, I'm integrating a 3rd party push notification "inbox" into my apps. I've successfully done the Android version but need some pointers on the iOS side. I basically want to load the "inbox view" from a right Navbar tap. I'm adding this inbox code around line 524 of the BT_viewController. RZLTSInboxView *inboxView = [[RZLTSInboxView alloc] initWithOrigin:CGPointMake(150, 150) controller:self andType:InboxTypeICONRed]; [self.view addSubview:inboxView]; It works, but when I tap the rightNavbar icon, the inbox icon loads in the middle of the screen (150, 150) I want it permanently in the the navbar. I've played around with code around lines 378 for the configureNavBar method using ... UIImage *icon = [UIImage imageNamed:@"bookmark.png"]; RZLTSInboxView *inboxView = [[RZLTSInboxView alloc] initWithOrigin:CGPointMake(150, 150) controller:self andType:InboxTypeICONRed]; [rightBarButtonArray addObject: [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:inboxView]]; This works for the first tap but crashes the app on the second load. Any help appreciated. For those looking for this sort of functionality try http://rzlts.com Cheers Darrel

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