Lost but trying
Posts: 78
Reg: Oct 25, 2013
05/15/18 12:30 AM (6 years ago)

How does JSON works ? Is BT stilll good ?

Hi guys, long time no see. Following a requirement from Google Play, I have to update my apps and dig again into how this whole thing works, since I'm no developer. However I had a lot of fun a couple of years back learning and understanding this fun stuff, with the help of many of you. PDF pluggin : I had it all smooth and shiny and now in this new BT nothing works. The nav bar does silly things, the pdf downloads (really?) but does not open and does not show the native option, buttons appear that I didn't ask for... A real improvement. So I have to put my head into it again, and I lack basic knowledge. Since I don't want to compile again everytime from BT and restart the Android Studio project, could you explain to me how JSON works ? I have several pdf screens, for example one called "motor" and one called "frame". I find in the structure of the screen, but where do I find the setup for each screen ? For example I want to try a SOLID nav bar on my "motor" page and HIDEN nav Bar on my "frame" page, where in Android Studio do I find this ? On the BT website I see the JSON for each screen and it's quite intuitive, but where does this translate into Android Studio ? Can I modify on AS or do I have to modify on BT website and re-compile ? And for those who have been here a long time, I as for your advice on whether I should keep using BT. I had a lot of fun with it, and I'm happy to see my simple stuff on Google Play, but it's not for the money (since we pay for BT) and I feel like everytime I'm using BT for an update, it's different, and not working, and requires a massive load of effort from me to understand and fix stuff that was working before. David created a fantastic thing, but where does it stand now ? Is it being developed properly ? For my simple stuff, should I just use one of those simple app maker ? I'd be sad to let go BT since I'm improving my general knowledge, but man, at my level it's hard to cope with all the bugs. Kind Regards, Nicolas
I hate code!
Posts: 44
Reg: Sep 17, 2012
05/30/18 07:38 AM (6 years ago)
We had one of our clients on Buzztouch for years. There were several times that our client's app would stop working for months, most of the time we had to find a workaround on our end because Buzztouch could not or would not figure out something on their end. Buzztouch might be fine for personal projects where your reputation or income are not on the line but I would not use it for professional apps. We tried to cancel our account three months ago on the website and sent emails but received no reply. They do keep auto billing our credit card. There is a loyal fanbase for Buzztouch but that only goes so far, they can not make up for a company that does not take time to maintain their code or their business. I would definately not use automatic billing since that is one thing they are good at even after you cancel!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
06/01/18 07:54 AM (6 years ago)
The JSON is one of the best features of Buzztouch, because it means features can be edited on your app without updating the app through the store. Plugins work by using the JSON to "tell" the plugin what to do, and what data to show, etc. To answer your point about BT, I would say its hay-days are well over. However that it not to say its no good. The forums are looking a bit worse for wear these days (I remember when there were more than 20 forum threads per day) and nothing particularly major has happened in the last few years, however there is still a wealth of great content on here. And if your app worked before, it'll likely still work now, its just that there just aren't many new features that keep this platform refreshed. The code, whilst inefficient, should work just fine, or at least it does on iOS. I continue to rely on the self-hosted platform and it hasn't let me down. BT may be a bit outdated, but if you're fine with the features that it does have, you shouldn't be disappointed.

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