Aspiring developer
Posts: 205
Reg: Jul 26, 2011
Orlando, FL
04/24/18 09:36 AM (6 years ago)

Any major changes to BTcore since Jun 2016?

I have an app that I updated back in June of 2016. It is basically a website wrapped in the BuzzTouch app to have push notification and app store distribution. I am wanting to update my app for iPhone X screen layout and want to know if I should work from the BT code I download almost two years ago or if it is worth downloading the project again and modifying it for push notification etc. If nothing major has changed I don't see the need in downloading the BT core BUT if it has change I will put in the time. I can't seem to find anything that tells me what has changed. Any insight into this would be helpful. Thanks!
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
04/24/18 10:20 AM (6 years ago)
i think you should download again because the core JSON configuration changed and now uses an internal DB i think. however the plugin market was killed so depends what plugins you used and if they are core BT only or 3rd party. Some 3rd party plugins are no longer supported, nor is the developer around to fix them
Aspiring developer
Posts: 205
Reg: Jul 26, 2011
Orlando, FL
04/24/18 11:46 AM (6 years ago)
Thanks for the info. I think I will keep a copy of my previous Xcode project just in case I run into any issues with the new BT Core Xcode download.

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