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Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
04/02/15 04:01 PM (9 years ago)

Menu with Image and Menu Image Student

I just uploaded a correction to the Menu with Image and the Menu Image Student. I changed the default color of the list to white and the text to gray for Android. I had the default background color as clear and the default text as white, so there was white on white. For Android, I use a background color for my lists to avoid the black flashing that happens on Samsung devices. I am working on a fix for the Menu Image Buttons, but that one is more of a stickler. Loading a button on a URL is not working for Menu Image Buttons on Android. I will try to have this repaired in the next few weeks.
Apple Fan
Posts: 694
Reg: Nov 08, 2011
04/02/15 05:38 PM (9 years ago)
Thx Susan!

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