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Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
04/06/15 06:41 PM (9 years ago)

Customizing the 'Device Information' Plugin... Quick notes.

There is nothing more satisfying than finishing up an app for release. But so many details! Here's one more thing to button up before finishing; If you use the Device Information plugin, it's always good to throw something 'technical' in your app just for Apple Giggles. But for the most part, it's not configurable and looks different than the rest of your app. Ugh! Here's a couple of quick adjustments to make if you want to have it 'match' the rest of your app... All changes are made in your BT_screen_settingsDevice.m file Around line 60, change the background of the view by adding this snippet: [self.myTableView setBackgroundColor:[BT_color getColorFromHexString:@"#2F4F4F"]]; Substituting your preferred color (in Hex) instead of mine... Around line 230, add these lines to change the UITableViewCell characteristics by adding these: [cell setBackgroundColor:[BT_color getColorFromHexString:@"#2F4F4F"]]; [cell.textLabel setTextColor:[BT_color getColorFromHexString:@"#FFFFFF"]]; [cell.textLabel setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Chalkduster" size:24]]; 1) Changes background color of the UITableViewCell 2) Changes Font Color used in the UITableViewCell 3) Changes font and font size of the UITableViewCell Add this to your app finishing 'checklist'. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
04/07/15 04:59 AM (9 years ago)
Awesome! LA
Code is Art
Posts: 575
Reg: Sep 11, 2013
Lillington, NC
04/07/15 09:05 AM (9 years ago)
Smug- I had not included the plugin before, and looked interesting. Downloaded the current version, and #import "BT_settingData.h" results in BT_settingData.h not found-, along with all of the tmpData references (10+) Any ideas on status of that .h? Thanks!
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
04/07/15 09:59 AM (9 years ago)
hmm... It sounds like you want to include device settings functionality in a different plugin... that sounds kind of neat, actually. The class filenames are BT_screen_settingsDevice.h, and BT_screen_settingsDevice.m so if you're using BT_settingData.h then it's a syntax thing, and correcting the class name should fix it up. :) Cheers! -- Smug
Code is Art
Posts: 575
Reg: Sep 11, 2013
Lillington, NC
04/07/15 10:44 AM (9 years ago)
No nothing that fun ;) right in the original plugin from BT Hosted: #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "JSON.h" #import "testsendpic_appDelegate.h" #import "BT_fileManager.h" #import "BT_color.h" #import "BT_viewUtilities.h" #import "BT_downloader.h" #import "BT_item.h" #import "BT_debugger.h" #import "BT_strings.h" #import "BT_settingData.h" // <- -errors #import "BT_screen_settingsDevice.h" then example of error: //info from UIDevice BT_settingData *tmpData; // <--- NSString *tmp;
Code is Art
Posts: 575
Reg: Sep 11, 2013
Lillington, NC
04/07/15 11:45 AM (9 years ago)
turns out when I checked my download folder, the last time they were included in a project was 9/27/2014. Copied the BT_settingData.h and BT_settingData.m from there and that solved it. ========= Again thanks for your tips. I added: [cell setBackgroundColor: [UIColor clearColor]]; To have the text displayed over my standard background image.

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