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Aspiring developer
Posts: 564
Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Mildura, Austra...
03/29/15 02:18 AM (9 years ago)

BT_screen_customURL behaviour - Android RSS plugin

I have an Android app that is using an RSS feed using the Android RSS plugin. In this particular RSS feed the "link item" is actually a link to a PDF file. However, when it loads the link I get the progress spinner to 100% finished and then a blank screen. If click on the options bar at the bottom of the screen, I can email the link or open the link in native browser and it works, it just doesn't prompt me to view it in a PDF app on first load. From what I can tell, this plugin is using the BT_screen_customURL plugin to display the link. Any ideas on how to change the behaviour??? TIA Cheers Darrel
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
03/29/15 05:26 AM (9 years ago)
Why not just use the custom url only? LA
Aspiring developer
Posts: 564
Reg: Jun 17, 2011
Mildura, Austra...
03/29/15 01:26 PM (9 years ago)
Hi LA, This is a list of items from an RSS feed. When you click one of the items (which links to a pdf on the web but not an HTML webpage) the plugin calls the Custom URL. If I only used the custom URL I would have to add each one manually :(((( BTW this works perfectly for the same app on iOS as the default behaviour is to show the pdf. cheers

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