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Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
03/18/15 10:04 AM (9 years ago)

Problem in Android with Advanced Menu with image

The background is that I have a published BT 2.0 Android app that is also an IOS app, but I cannot get it to work with BT 3.0 on Samsung devices. The clues point the home menu, which is Menu Image Advanced. With a header the app won't load at all. If I increase the manifest heap size entry, I can get the app to run without a header image. I have gone to some lengths to make all images and other graphics smaller; they are all in the project. What I have also found is it does not happen if I use other menus such as the button menu or menu image. It does not happen in BT 2.0. I can only reproduce it on a Samsung. I used a test app and pith this menu on the home page, it would crash too. I use the IOS/Android features of the menu and I would like carry on with it if I could. Changing to a different menu would mean duplicating the app first, which would not be my first choice. So I thought I would flag this up and see if anyone has seen this or can help? Thanks, Alan
Posts: 3936
Reg: May 21, 2011
San Diego, CA
03/18/15 11:47 AM (9 years ago)
Wish I could help, but Android is my nightmare. Susan is an expert through, she should be able to help you, I'm sure she'll see this thread and give you a ping. Until then, the best I would recommend is checking if you have the latest version of the plugin. Weird that it won't run on Samsung devices - if it runs on other devices, that shouldn't be happening. Try reinstalling your emulator or cleaning your device cache, all the phones should operate the same if running the same OS. Wish I could help more, David.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
03/18/15 12:28 PM (9 years ago)
Appreciate the input David. I have tried all those things, it seems that not all phones are created equal lol
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
03/18/15 04:27 PM (9 years ago)
Have you tried a different image size or resolution? Filesize, not image dimensions... Cheers! -- Smug
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
03/18/15 11:51 PM (9 years ago)
Make sure you put the images in all the drawable folders. I don't even resize them, unless I have a problem with memory crashes.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
03/19/15 10:27 AM (9 years ago)
I have tried almost everything. My earlier post covers quite a lot of of the things I have tried, has some logcat too. https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=545166CFF9AF0569AF94D8E&currentPage=2
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
03/19/15 10:29 AM (9 years ago)
I appreciate any help and advice and willing to rebuild my app from the ground up if I have too. Sifting through the data I have collected in my other post, it keeps coming back to a combination of Samsung and advanced menu with image. I can't explain why nearly everything seems to work except that!
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
03/19/15 10:38 AM (9 years ago)
I just put this post in the other string.... Say, are you minimizing your images with tiny.png? Also, put them in all the drawable folders. Then, if that doesn't work, resize them proportionately in your drawable folders. I only needed to take that extra step in one app. I doubt it is the Menu Image Advanced plugin causing the problem, because the plugins are so similar. One thing the Menu Image Advanced has is multiple xml files for each scenario of whether an icon or description text is used. But that should make it more efficient than the Menu with Image, not less efficient. The Menu with Image is checking to see if an icon is there and moving over the text, whereas the Menu Image Advanced doesn't have to do that. http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
03/19/15 11:05 AM (9 years ago)
Thanks, I have tried that, will try again. Btw, did you receive the message I sent to you Susan? Just want to know if it got through.
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
03/19/15 11:28 AM (9 years ago)
Yes--I double checked and responded to everything you sent. If you didn't receive the email alert, you will see the responses in the PM system. If you are signed up to get responses and you didn't get an email notice, then it could be a couple of things. Maybe they are going into your junk mail. We had a problem in the past (maybe a year ago or more) where the email notification wasn't working.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 2612
Reg: Mar 05, 2012
Esher, UK
03/19/15 11:48 AM (9 years ago)
Thanks for letting me know, I did not receive the direct message alerts. Notification alerts work for the forum. I'll get my spade out and do more digging lol.

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