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Lost but trying
Posts: 174
Reg: Jan 22, 2014
03/15/15 12:19 PM (9 years ago)

iTunes/Refresh pop-ups

I shared this in another post but trying to figure out. So getting these pop-ups message in my app: Would you like to open iTunes? Yes No At first I thought it was part of the Chat Plugin, but are these part of the Push Notifications? I enabled it in my Apple ID so wondering if this is why it changed. Just to show what it says in my project under Chat plugin, BT_screen_customHTML.m, and BT_screen_htmlDOC.m: //if not returned already, intercept special links. int showConfirm = 0; NSString *confirmMessage; //iTunes URL if([urlString rangeOfString: @"itunes.apple" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound){ showConfirm = 1; confirmMessage = NSLocalizedString(@"launch_iTunes", "Would you like to launch iTunes?"); } //iTunes or App Store URL if([urlString rangeOfString: @"phobos.apple" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound){ showConfirm = 1; confirmMessage = NSLocalizedString(@"launch_iTunes", "Would you like to launch iTunes?"); } //google maps if([urlString rangeOfString: @"maps.google" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound){ showConfirm = 1; confirmMessage = NSLocalizedString(@"launch_maps", "Would you like to launch Maps?"); } //text message if([urlString rangeOfString: @"sms:" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound){ if([appDelegate.rootDevice canSendSMS]){ showConfirm = 1; confirmMessage = NSLocalizedString(@"launch_sms", "Would you like to send an SMS?"); }else{ //bail return NO;
Lost but trying
Posts: 174
Reg: Jan 22, 2014
03/15/15 12:20 PM (9 years ago)
Also getting the "This app's content has changed, would you like to refresh? pop-up message when testing on my phone.
Lost but trying
Posts: 174
Reg: Jan 22, 2014
03/15/15 10:06 PM (9 years ago)
Just an update. It seems the issue might be with ParaChat I believe. Possibly from the ads. I am trying Chatango instead which I think integrates pretty well. :)

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