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Lost but trying
Posts: 103
Reg: Mar 08, 2013
03/12/15 01:16 AM (9 years ago)

Android Facebook Plugin Required

Hi Guys n Gals. Almost finished my App for my Tourism business but need a couple of extras to make it click! In short I want a Facebook photo post combined with form input so that clients can quickly select a photo, add some title and tag info from drop down lists (no typing) and post it directly to my Fan page without going through the Facebook App. Also would like a couple of basic novelty games to make it more interactive. More details in this scope document https://www.dropbox.com/s/cjnyfmy5ahnhlbc/Scope%20for%20Buzztouch%20Plugins%20Required.docx?dl=0 PM or email me if interested, Regards Paul
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
03/12/15 01:36 AM (9 years ago)
Hi I have posting to Facebook (and Twitter) working in an app such as this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.operamusic That app contains two kinds of posting to Facebook. One you get from the home page, by pressing the Facebook icon, and that seems not to be what you want. This approach requires the Facebook app to be installed and running on the device. The other way to post to Facebook is from option Share This App! in the main menu and then again by choosing an option Share To Social Sites. From there you will be able post to Facebook and eleven other social sites provided you manually enter the password once. That does not require the Facebook app to be up and running on the device. You want some games thrown in for good measure. That however, requires writing of special plugins, that must be developed either from scratch or be rewritten from the existing code base for Buzztouch. Obviously, none of this was written according to your specification, but can be a good start. If you are interested, let me know either through PM here in forums, or send me an email through this link: http://duskosavic.com/blog/contact-dusko-savic/
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
03/12/15 05:24 AM (9 years ago)
Wow lol you sure you want a game where crocks are eating tourist..lol'' LA

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