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Apple Fan
Posts: 352
Reg: Nov 05, 2011
Rhode Island
03/04/15 08:51 PM (9 years ago)

Remote file for NAD Interactive quiz

The control panel mentions use of a remote file and even offers a link to an example file; however this link is non existent. In short, has anyone had success using a CSV or text file for populating the question and answers rather than the tediousness typing via control panel? If so, any example documents on how this file should be set up? Much appreciated!
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
03/04/15 09:31 PM (9 years ago)
you store it in a text file with json(you can use a tool to convert csv to json,I used Stobes): { "childItems": [ { "questionText": "A user launches an application on an Android device. Once the software loads, the user reports that when turning the tablet to work the application in landscape mode, the software does not automatically adjust to landscape mode. What is the cause of the issue?", "correctAnswerText": "The application was not developed to react to changes to the gyroscope", "incorrectText1": "The auto-adjust setting is not enabled in the operating system", "incorrectText2": "The tablet is running low on power and disabled landscape mode", "incorrectText3": "The user did not switch the tablet to landscape mode." }, { "questionText": "What is the best way of maintaining data security for a mobile device that has been lost or stolen?", "correctAnswerText": "Remote wipe", "incorrectText1": "Passcode lock", "incorrectText2": "Use an ugly background", "incorrectText3": "Login attempt restrictions" } ] }
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
03/05/15 06:50 AM (9 years ago)
This is one of the quiz files I'm using with Nad's plugin. Although I keep it 'in the bundle', it's all the same; it's an external childItem file. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/115208762/t0a.txt What you would do is place this on an internet reachable server somewhere, and reference the URL as your 'dataURL'. example: "dataURL": "http://www.yourserver.com/file/path/to/t0a.txt" and you should be good to go. Remember Nad's plugin is rather 'involved' and there are an abundance of 'options' to use should you desire. But you don't have to use everything... Cheers! -- Smug
Apple Fan
Posts: 352
Reg: Nov 05, 2011
Rhode Island
03/05/15 05:56 PM (9 years ago)
Thank you both very much. @smugwimp - your posts have always been a life saver for me. Thank you for providing the text file!

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