Adnan Basra
Aspiring developer
Posts: 189
Reg: Apr 26, 2013
11/22/15 01:40 PM (8 years ago)

Errors with In App Billing Plugin

Hi, I am working on an ios app with In App Billing screen. I created the app after giving the necessary details in the In App Billing control panel. When I downloaded the app project and tried to run on ios simulator inside Xcode, the build failed and i got all these errors listed below: /Users/adnanbasra/Downloads/zuhairtraining_iOS/BT_Plugins/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid.m /Users/adnanbasra/Downloads/zuhairtraining_iOS/BT_Plugins/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid.m:672:43: Use of undeclared identifier 'pubtrivia_appDelegate' /Users/adnanbasra/Downloads/zuhairtraining_iOS/BT_Plugins/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid.m:672:28: Use of undeclared identifier 'appDelegate' /Users/adnanbasra/Downloads/zuhairtraining_iOS/BT_Plugins/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid.m:672:66: Expected expression /Users/adnanbasra/Downloads/zuhairtraining_iOS/BT_Plugins/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid.m:672:68: Missing '[' at start of message send expression /Users/adnanbasra/Downloads/zuhairtraining_iOS/BT_Plugins/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid.m:672:111: Expected ']' /Users/adnanbasra/Downloads/zuhairtraining_iOS/BT_Plugins/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid/NAD_inAppBillingAndroid.m:702:9: Use of undeclared identifier 'appDelegate' I have no idea what to do. Can someone help me with it? Best Regards, Adnan
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
11/22/15 06:07 PM (8 years ago)
You'll need to change 'pubtrivia' to the name of your app so that instead of 'pubtrivia_appDelegate' it will state '<yourAppName>_appDelegate. It's an oops from development. We've all done it at least once. Cheers! -- Smug
Adnan Basra
Aspiring developer
Posts: 189
Reg: Apr 26, 2013
11/23/15 12:23 AM (8 years ago)
Thanks Smug, it solved my problem. Best Regards, Adnan

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