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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 960
Reg: Oct 20, 2011
12/14/12 09:30 PM (11 years ago)

Has anybody been payed using Chartboost?

A couple months ago I started implementing Chartboost into some of my apps - it's been converting pretty well but I have yet to receive a payment so I'm getting a little frustrated. The first month I didn't get paid because I had to scan and email my tax info - the second month I didn't get paid because of an error on their part mixing up my first and last name in the accounting system - I got an email on the 4th saying that earnings should be payed this week. Since this week is coming to a close, I am once again wondering if another month is going to pass without being payed. I am wondering, has anybody who uses Chartboost been payed yet this month? If not, please post back here when you do receive payment so that I know if they skipped mine again.
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
12/17/12 05:22 PM (11 years ago)
Did you finally get paid yet? I've only recently added chartboost to my apps. To my surprise very good income. When I get paid I will definitely report back. However I find it odd that you haven't. I'm sure you've reached the minimum payment..what was your payment type selection? Hope you get it soon!
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 960
Reg: Oct 20, 2011
12/20/12 07:20 PM (11 years ago)
Yep, I got paid yesterday (the 19th) - I got an email saying that payments went out on the 12th so I was getting a little worried. I posted a thread about it on the iPhonedevsdk forums - http://iphonedevsdk.com/forum/business-legal-app-store/110459-has-anybody-been-paid-by-chartboost-this-month.html#latest - somebody from Chartboost responded in that thread..I guess the payments were a little delayed because they're working to keep up with Chartboost's sudden surge in popularity. I had them wire the payment to my bank account. Have you already sent in your tax info? If you haven't yet they will ask you for it when your payment is ready and it may delay the payment further. So yeah, I'm happy now. I agree that Chartboost is definitely a great source of income - hasn't quite topped RevMob yet as my favorite but it's getting there
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
12/20/12 07:47 PM (11 years ago)
Awesome! good for you.. Thanks for the tax info tip.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 25
Reg: Feb 03, 2013
02/16/13 11:07 PM (11 years ago)
Hey guys I stumbled upon your forum post here regarding chartboost and see that both have you have said you are making surprisingly good income. Are you guys making your most from fullscreen ads or the more buttons ad? Just was hoping for a bit of guidance as I am a newbie :) Kind regards Lloyd

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