Discussion Forums  >  Audio, Video, Playing, Recording

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Apple Fan
Posts: 102
Reg: May 08, 2012
Princeton, New ...
12/17/12 05:42 AM (11 years ago)

Audio stops after screen times out (IOS 6)

When listening to an audio file on my BT App and when the screen times out the audio stops. Is there anyway to prevent this from happening so that the audio continues to play when the screen times out? BTW, I'm using the custom url to the audio file so it opens in Quicktime. This only happens on a iPhone 5 running IOS 6.0.1. Tested on a 2nd Generation iPod Touch running IOS 4.2.1 and it works fine and continues to play when the screen times out. Anybody know how to fix this issue for IOS 6.0.1?
Code is Art
Posts: 1094
Reg: Sep 23, 2011
location unknow...
12/27/12 01:47 PM (11 years ago)
Are you using the plugin or your own code? Not having issues with Danny's. https://www.buzztouch.com/plugins/plugin.php?pid=FA7AC4F6944FF2491FCE8AD Sheri
Apple Fan
Posts: 102
Reg: May 08, 2012
Princeton, New ...
12/27/12 02:42 PM (11 years ago)
Hi Sheri, Thanks for responding. I'm not using Danny's audio player but a custom url which links to an audio file. I did find some code on the forum which prevents the audio from timing out. http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=FE4DEC41BB3C34F3575D4A3 I will try it sometime this week. In the mean time I did purchase Danny's Audio player and will be using that instead of the custom url. Thanks for responding. MDG
Code is Art
Posts: 1094
Reg: Sep 23, 2011
location unknow...
12/27/12 03:12 PM (11 years ago)
That's what buzztouch is all about! Community! I love Danny's Audio plugin! Works great on both iphone and ipad. Graphics are pretty amazing. Implementing his and Crown Solutions circle menu for an itunes affilate app. it's coming together pretty nicely! The user can stop, pause or play the music even if is another screen. I have tried the custom url and tried html doc too....nothing works as nice as the two mention plugins. Plugins are great investments to my business. Saves so much time and more chance of being approved by apple. :) Always a great thing. Look forward in seeing your creations! Best of luck Sheri

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