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Apple Fan
Posts: 120
Reg: Jun 13, 2011
11/17/12 09:33 AM (11 years ago)

AT53 Video Player - Filesize Limitations?

I maybe dumb as a bag of spanners here, but is there a limitation to the filesize of a locally stored mp4 file. I have stored a Full HD 1080p mp4 file which is a little over 3GB. The media player opens but it just says loading, and the file never plays. I have imported the file to BT_Video and it is correctly referenced. Any ideas as to why the file won't play?
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
11/17/12 09:46 AM (11 years ago)
No limitation I'm aware of, but getting folks to download a 3GB APP is asking quite a bit. That's a lot of storage space. Remember to that downloads formthe app store can only be so big unless users do it wi-fi. Where did you get the video from? Did you film that on an iphone? If not, it may need to be encoded to a format ios supports before it will play. Check out HANDBRAKE to convert and maybe compress your videos.
Apple Fan
Posts: 120
Reg: Jun 13, 2011
11/17/12 09:52 AM (11 years ago)
It's encoded to iPhone 4S mp4 HD using Aunesoft. It's a private app not to be uploaded to the App Store. The player appears, but when pressing the play button it's says loading but that's it, the loading icon just spins forever and doesn't start the file, plus while its loading the Done button cannot be pressed. Therefore I have to close the App and restart. I know there is a 2GB limit re the App Store but as the App compiled in Xcode and transferred to my iPhone 4S I assumed all content would have been transferred on full.
Apple Fan
Posts: 120
Reg: Jun 13, 2011
11/17/12 10:28 AM (11 years ago)
Just checked the error logs and it says the file is not present in the bundle. The file is present in the Xcode project BT_Video folder and referenced correctly. I can even see in the top Xcode panel that it copies the file, yet it says its not there when running the app. This is most bizarre, I have removed the file and re included it. The movie properties panel shows the correct information for the file and a screenshot so the file is encoded correctly.
Apple Fan
Posts: 120
Reg: Jun 13, 2011
11/17/12 10:28 AM (11 years ago)
Just checked the error logs and it says the file is not present in the bundle. The file is present in the Xcode project BT_Video folder and referenced correctly. I can even see in the top Xcode panel that it copies the file, yet it says its not there when running the app. This is most bizarre, I have removed the file and re included it. The movie properties panel shows the correct information for the file and a screenshot so the file is encoded correctly.
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
11/18/12 09:59 AM (11 years ago)
Have you tried some other smaller videos just to make sure your enviroment is set-up properly? I belive the mediaplayer uses some caching, maybe there isn't enough space to cache the chunk of video it wants to. (It caches so you can use the video scrubber action) You've verified there is 3gb free on the device? Maybe try with some other videos or formats and in smaller chunks of the video. I would split that up into chapters anyway. Maybe you can discover some limit with trail and error? Just because a program claims it encoded to iphone format doesn't mean it will work. Video compression and audio settings are very picky. Maybe try some other formats? Can't say I anticipated someone using this to play a single video and format that size. For sure never tested it to that capacity! Kinda cool to think a BT app could be packaged as a movie if this would work....
Apple Fan
Posts: 120
Reg: Jun 13, 2011
11/18/12 01:09 PM (11 years ago)
The video was encoded correctly but i think the limitation was the App size, I dropped the video to 720p which reduced the file size to 0.9GB which played instantly. I will experiment getting the quality back up but keeping the app under 2GB. This is an excellent plugin.
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
11/19/12 07:44 AM (11 years ago)
Awesome. Keep me posted on what you discover the limit to be so I can note that for future questions/updates. Glad you like it and are getting good use out of it. Local video is exactly what I made it for. I like Apples MPMoviePlayer class, it does it job well.

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