Discussion Forums  >  Audio, Video, Playing, Recording

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 315
Reg: Sep 10, 2011
01/12/13 08:43 AM (11 years ago)

Issue with video plug in.

I have a new release in the APP store of a Buzztouch 2.0 APP. I have an issue with the video plug in and sent to following email to the developer. The app is free. I appreciate any suggestions or recommendations on how to resolve my issue and improve my users experience. ........ Hello skompdev I have a problem with a just released free APP in the Apple App Store. ( https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/active-shooter/id590364652?mt=8 ). It works fine on iOS Devices running 6.0. ( http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6143303/screen_6.0.PNG ) The plug in does not work on devices running 5.1.1 ( http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6143303/Screen_5.1.PNG ) Is this a known problem and I just missed it? The videos are built in to the APP. I added the You Tube links this morning to give users a backup to the videos but of course would rather not use. Do you have a recommendation on how to modify your plug in or a better work around than a You Tube link? Thank you for any assistance you may be able to provide. I have posted to the forum so other may be able to learn from my experience. Mike .......
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
01/12/13 09:02 AM (11 years ago)
Greetings, thanks for purchasing! I'll just try to answer it here then if you want this to be a shared experience and not reply to the email- Can you expand on 'does not work' a bit? That screen shot doesn't give me much to go on. Just looking at that screen shot, my first question would be - is the play button possibly buried behind that description graphic? Videos don't auto play unless you tap the button, that's how the code was written. You can drag/move that button on the XIB to make it visible below the graphic. (you can mod or make a new button too that is tied to the IBAction!) I do feel like the code has worked for others on ios 5 or it seems like I would have gotten some other messages. There were some updates to fix some bugs that are detailed here. Layout and rotation were a little buggy- https://www.buzztouch.com/plugins/discussions.php?pid=3C06F75263AE92A0B802F44 Not sure if any of those are the same issue you're having? Maybe some console output would help here?
Aspiring developer
Posts: 315
Reg: Sep 10, 2011
01/12/13 10:19 AM (11 years ago)
Thanks for you quick response. You will note on the screen shot that the player is much larger then it is on the 6.0 screen shot. So large in fact that the play icon is not visible. I suspect that if it did play only the corner of the video that is visible in the screen shot would be visible to the user. I don't have the skill set to open your plug in with x-code so it is something I changed or did incorrectly in the BT Control Panel. Hopefully members of the community will give the app a try and see if they have a similar problem. I note your up date and confirmed I was using the most resent version. Again thank you for you quick response. This is my first general release app so I want the users experience to be the best I can make it. Mike
Aspiring developer
Posts: 3278
Reg: Aug 16, 2012
Jerseyville, IL
01/12/13 11:38 AM (11 years ago)
Hey @ATRAIN53, Check your messages on here. Sorry to hi jack your post on here @0z2000tv! LA
Code is Art
Posts: 1755
Reg: Nov 17, 2011
01/12/13 12:42 PM (11 years ago)
It looks like we at least have ID the problem maybe? >>The iOS 5 screen video thumbnail or description is covering the play button. yes? no? Since I see the 1x I can guess this is a iphone only app, not universal. What is your deployment target set to? What if you remove the Video Image and Video Description in the CP? Do you see the play button and does the video launch? (When the mediaplayer launches, it pops a new screen so nothing will be hidden at this point) I'd just like to verify functionality here of the mediaplayer. That would be a bug. Layout stuff is less 'bug' and more 'tweek' to me. It looks like you are using a background image too on the screen. This could be scaling, auto layout, a few things... I made this plugin on ios4, programatically not using xib files. The xibs for the layout were added after submission. In the earlier version you could specify the size/position of image/button by editing a few values in the code. but XIB's work different and completely understand if you're not comfy opening and editing them. Doing so would give you full control of the layout. The is some funkiness with xib and auto layouts between ios 5/6 that I've seen addressed here for a few plug-ins I think. The play button is centered on the xib, so that's not gonna be movable unless you open the xib. So your options if you don't want to look at the xib - are to tweek it using the tools you have and know, the Control Panel. Looking for a way to to and work around/with the hard coded elements/views on page. Maybe try combining the video description into the bkg image? Maybe use smaller images?

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