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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2050
Reg: Nov 03, 2011
11/03/13 02:20 PM (10 years ago)

2 years, and I still haven't got bored. A must read diary

Hi all, Well today celebrates my second anniversary with Buzztouch. Yes, that's right, I've stuck around with you guys for 2 whole years! Please do take the time to read through. So what have two years seen for me... How I found Buzztouch - I had successfully made a few websites, and then got bored of web designing. I wanted to look into app development, naturally, as this would be the next step from websites. I opened up Xcode, and pressed 'New Application'. I was still full of hope, until it opened. I looked on YouTube, where this guy had programmed a little HelloWorld app. He had tons of code, and for a tiny little app, I knew it wasn't worth learning the code. The next step were these online solutions. I went through loads, and I mean loads. From my email records, I signed up to at least 20 in the space of one week, one of those was Buzztouch. Nov 03, 2011 - At precisely 17:36 (GMT), I signed up to Buzztouch. It was back in the days of the black website. I then completely ignored the site for a few days, while I looked at other sites. I looked at v1.4 and I knew it didn't have enough complexity for me. I was unaware of v1.5, but once I saw a short video of David making a v1.5 app, I knew I had to use Buzztouch. Dec 27, 2011 - I posted my first forum post. It's a really embarrassing post, but here it is: https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=30731AE74B0422315C977FE Early 2012 - I had started to make a 'demo' app to showcase to Blenheim Palace, in the hope that I'd eventually make a full app for them, after a deal had been shaken and I'd be given a contract. After I had half-built the demo app, I had given up with this project. I was then given an idea from my dad to build an app to aid his business, and thus giving me a portfolio, while he'd cover all the expenses I'd need. Jul 23, 2012 - I finally signed up for the Apple iOS Developer Program. That was exciting! Finally, I could do what I asked for in my very first post! Aug 13, 2012 - I was brave enough to press the submit button. I sent my first app 'Berlitz Oxford' to Apple. Aug 23, 2012 - My first app had been submitted and approved to Apple. I was finally online. Buzztouch made it work! I was so chuffed. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/berlitz-oxford-language-centre/id552822776?ls=1&mt=8 Aug 24, 2012 - The next day, I noticed that there was a massive fault with the app. The JSON for the config data was incorrect. Although I didn't know why (I figured it ), I just knew I had to re-download the source code and submit a new version of the app. Sep 26, 2012 - I organised the very first Oxford meetup. This was situated in a little room above a student club where three people got together and started talking. We had David on Skype where I got some blips sorted with on my app, and others contributed too. I haven't seen those two people for over a year now. They didn't become regulars to the meetup and I don't see them around on the forums anymore. Oct 22, 2012 - I released my second app, however, I don't really count it as an app, as it was crap. 'Buzztouch Learning' it was called. It was approved just two days before my meet. It was an app to help people with all the meetups that keep happening. The truth was that I didn't have to time to update this app, which needed constant refreshing, so it slowly was left into the bin. Even just two months after the release, I was not proud of it, and I didn't think that it was useful to many. However, I kept it up for months longer, as this received loads of downloads and was was a good reference. Oct 24, 2012 - Oxford Meetup No. 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z6Xe9JA76c Nov 25, 2012 - My second 'proper' app had been approved and was now on the App Store. 'Berlitz Edinburgh' was my best app, back then! It was the most complex out of all of them, with so many extra screens. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/berlitz-edinburgh-language/id579939130?ls=1&mt=8 Nov 28, 2012 - Oxford Meetup No. 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iF41Kerphns&feature=c4-overview&list=UUdtxFoJNEyApdRecDAWHFZA Dec 8, 2012 - My first iPad app came out! It was just an iPad version of my first app, 'Berlitz Oxford' but optimised for the iPad, so it didn't look fuzzy. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/berlitz-oxford-language-centre/id552822776?ls=1&mt=8 Feb 25, 2013 - Oxford Meetup No. 4 Mar 26, 2013 - Oxford Meetup No. 5 April 3, 2013 - I slowly start work on my Woodstock app, making the graphics and experimenting with different plugins. Apr 22, 2013 - My dad got a rather sad email from the administration of Berlitz. They loved the app, however they said that the name of the app was not suitable for the purpose of the app. As Berlitz sells tourist map guides to shops, they didn't make to cause any confusion between my two apps and their guides. To change an app name, I needed to make an update to Apple. This seemed rather simple, however, there are some problems. My two Berlitz apps had been made using Buzztouch v1.5 and it wasn't compatible with iPhone 5. By then, Apple weren't going to approve an app that wasn't customised for the 4-inch display. This meant I rather reluctantly had to rebuild both my apps using Buzztouch v2.0. This, as it turned out, is a much more powerful version and I'll never agin use v1.5, but it was a real pain just for a few graphic changes and a name change. Apr 30, 2013 - In a huff, I had quickly remade and submitted my 'Berlitz Oxford' app, and it had been approved. It took just eight days from nothing to approved! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/berlitz-oxford-language-centre/id552822776?ls=1&mt=8 May 7, 2013 - Oxford Meetup No. 6 May 30, 2013 - My 'Berlitz Edinburgh' app had remade and approved. I reason for a one month delay was due a complete redesign of the app. My Oxford app was just a matter of copying and pasting, but this app needed real maintenance. It needed a re-doing of all the graphics, but also, I was making this app with iPad support as well. Jun 4, 2013 - Oxford Meetup No. 7 Jul 2, 2013 - Oxford Meetup No. 8 Jul 19, 2013 - My Woodstock app is released! My best app to date was finally released. It took loads of time, but we finally got there. I could go on and on about it, but it's easier if you just download it. This app took loads of effort it was unbelievable. Now all was needed was some businesses to sponsor my app! The future of this app may be to continue it to Android, but since it had little downloads, I don't feel it's with it. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/woodstock/id673363385?ls=1&mt=8 August 2013 - Throughout August, I hurriedly got businesses to sponsor my app. Finally, I started to make a small profit from my app. Aug 10, 2013 - Some angry app developers approach me stating I have 'stolen' their app. As it happened, other local developers were also making a Woodstock app. This turned into a really long story that I could go on for hours about, but to cut things short, they wanted to buy the source code for my app. The problem with being so young, is that people take advantage of you. I was given a very low price. I rejected the offer, but then they said they had the power to completely knock me off the market with theirs. However, they clearly aren't making this app, as they had been paid two years earlier to make this app, and they couldn't be bothered. The upshot is that I left them to sulk in the corner while I continued my daily life. The message that you can get from that is 'never try to negotiate with competitors'. Aug 23, 2013 - My first app celebrates its first anniversary. Susan throws up a quick Q&A webinar with me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B6USDFUPTg Sep 17, 2013 - Oxford Meetup No. 9 BuzzDay is announced. Oct 12, 2013 - Nobody could forget this day. BUZZDAY! 14 people attended for the greatest Buzztouch event outside the USA. It was truly fantastic. David, Susan, Miguel (MadRod) and Derval (Dervalo) flew from different countries to be with us. It was truly fantastic. There isn't really a word that can describe this day. http://www.buzztouchoxford.com That's my timeline of my Buzztouch life. I find myself almost addicted to Buzztouch! Oh, and if any of you start asking, I'm 14 years old. And if you're asking why I haven't got all three stars, it's because I don't like Android! This post gives me 20,000 points, but it took nearly two hours to write. Let's hope for years to come and even more points! Thomas Boyd Annandale Apps http://www.annandaleapps.com
Lost but trying
Posts: 574
Reg: Oct 21, 2013
location unknow...
11/03/13 02:33 PM (10 years ago)
Keep up the good work, great story for someone so young. You have a bright future ahead of you! Cheers Ed
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
11/03/13 02:43 PM (10 years ago)
This is a great writeup, Thomas! Interesting read and very entertaining as well! My time at BT has been made better by your presence; thanks for being around and being so helpful! When I eventually make it to England again, I'll stop by and say hello! Cheers! -- Smug
Apple Fan
Posts: 122
Reg: Nov 30, 2011
location unknow...
11/03/13 02:45 PM (10 years ago)
Great Story !!! Keep up the good work!
Apple Fan
Posts: 1166
Reg: Dec 09, 2011
11/03/13 02:55 PM (10 years ago)
Great story Thomas. Very inspiring! Best Regards, Danny
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
11/03/13 02:55 PM (10 years ago)
Nice one buddy! Better place with you around. Here's to many more years and adventures for all of us. Ps - Good story on why community involvement from good people is important or things go a bit awry. http://www.technologyreview.com/featuredstory/520446/the-decline-of-wikipedia/
Aspiring developer
Posts: 469
Reg: Jan 10, 2012
Orange County, ...
11/03/13 08:45 PM (10 years ago)
Terrific timeline of your history with Buzztouch...so far.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
11/03/13 11:39 PM (10 years ago)
Let me know when I can vote you into Public Office! :-) Keep on trucking, Thomas, you're going on a fantastic journey! -- Niraj
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
11/04/13 02:16 AM (10 years ago)
Wow... longest post ever... but a fine read. Really nice and inspiring story. Buzzday, was indeed fantastic, will never forget it, and we have you to thank for it. Keep up all all the good work, and we're always here for you. Congrats. Miguel
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1008
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
11/04/13 03:25 AM (10 years ago)
Great post Thomas! Very inspiring indeed, thanks for sharing. Can't wait to reading the next chapters. At this rate I fully expect one of them to be "I was then asked to become the new Apple CEO" :) Farcat
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 960
Reg: Oct 20, 2011
11/04/13 01:32 PM (10 years ago)
Awesome, man I wish I had gotten into to software development when I was 14. You're already a pro at this, who knows where you'll be in 10 years

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