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Apple Fan
Posts: 188
Reg: Dec 13, 2012
Knoxville, TN
01/26/14 05:31 PM (10 years ago)

Who want to learn?

Hi everyone. If you would like to learn more about object C, Java, Xcode, and Eclipse, I found a great place to do it. I'm not plugging this site because I benefit from it, but because it has helped me a lot. http://www.lynda.com It's cheap, only $25 a month. And if you use the lessons on there and couple with buzztouch, there is no way you wont be successful.
Lost but trying
Posts: 574
Reg: Oct 21, 2013
location unknow...
01/28/14 11:57 AM (10 years ago)
@allandriggers lynday.com is a great learning site, been using it for years. the only thing is when technology changes their courses aren't up to speed and takes time. ie when xcode5 and ios7 launched, very hard to find great video step by steps. There are now alternative sites and always youtube. as a resource for programming languages and it's low cost, always great when you can learn at your own pace. Best Ed

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