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I hate code!
Posts: 173
Reg: May 30, 2012
Monsey, New Yor...
12/26/13 08:41 PM (10 years ago)

Please Welcome!!!

Tonight, I just became a Member from a Guest and had been a Guest for over a year. Still new to app development since July 2012 and slowly learning. I first got introduced to app development to a place online called Newton Academy http://www.newtonacademy.org and was starting to learn Objective-C. It's all video-based and was having a VERY hard to time grasping Objective-C. I started watching the lessons so I can learn on my own pace but skipping the exercises to get to the next lesson, until the owner of the online school caught on to what I was doing and kicked me out of the program and kept my $5,000 I paid for the course. He claimed I hacked into his system. I know absolutely nothing about hacking. Is downloading videos considered hacking when you have complete access given by the owner with a username and password?! Anyways, so my journey continues months and months of searching different ways of making apps, until I found BT. G-D has guided me to BT for a reason because of goal(s) of wanting to make a specific app that will change the way the world (people) think and treat each other. Which brings me to my app idea. I'm not sure if I should be posting my idea because I'm afraid of people my steal my idea. But my idea isn't for to make money off of the app. It's goal is to change the world with the idea of paying it forward. Well that's all for now. I hope to accomplish my mission with BT!!! Thanks and Happy New Year! Sam Ziegler
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
12/26/13 10:20 PM (10 years ago)
Welcome! Shame about your online course; that doesn't sound completely legit to me either. Good Luck on your endeavors on your app; I also have a 'magic' app that I am working on. Never mind about ideas; work on your project in tasks, one task at a time. This way if you don't want to share, you don't have to, and you can just get your app done one thing at a time. Before you know it, it's release time! Let us know what we can do to get you on your way, and there is only a few thousand others who are also willing to help. Cheers! -- Smug
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
12/27/13 05:42 AM (10 years ago)
Man.... bad experience. That blows. Dust yourself down, breath and smile to the world in the knowledge you are now part of the best app dev community out there. Great to see that badge my good man, cheers for the chat last night. Keep us posted.
I hate code!
Posts: 173
Reg: May 30, 2012
Monsey, New Yor...
12/27/13 09:15 AM (10 years ago)
You guys are awesome. My problem is now I don't know how and where to start. Are there any basic tutorials (videos or PDF's) on how to do a "Hello World" app on BT?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
12/27/13 05:23 PM (10 years ago)
The good news is there are many videos and tutorials. The bad news is there isn't a 'library' that has *all* of the BT resources available. Also, give the boys who work behind the scenes a bit of leeway; things aren't always updated in a timely fashion, so the videos will 'look similar', but not exactly the same due to changes and updates… That said, There is the BTU videos, which is the introduction to Buzztouch. Completion of those will get you a star or two (or three). https://www.buzztouch.com/account/btu.php Every so often, there is a new user webinar open to everyone. Dates, times, schedules for all of that is usually kept here: https://www.buzztouch.com/account/events.php And of course, there are a bunch of tutorials and how-to's in the 'Library': https://www.buzztouch.com/resources/ And if that's not enough, if you do a search on YouTube with the keyword 'Buzztouch' you'll find a plethora of demos, tutorials, and many other user contributed videos that will help you along… Keep close eyes on the 'GoNorthWest' videos; he's made quite a collection of '20 minute tutorials' on installation, configuration, and many BT details that need attention. And of course, there's always the forum :) Cheers! -- Smug
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
12/28/13 08:50 PM (10 years ago)
Use this to get started in BuzzTouch, it will help you to build a simple app that is a catalog of stamps. You will learn a lot in just a few hours! https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?fid=47D35231F571EE9A1AB0660&tid=47D35231F571EE9A1AB0660 -- Niraj
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
12/28/13 08:59 PM (10 years ago)
Apps usually proceed in these stages: - An idea - Brainstorm on the content (information, data, images, videos, files) - Acquire and Gather the content onto your computer - Organize the content (layout) - Connect the content (structure and navigation) - Make a blueprint - Create screens - Download, compile and test - Clean it up - Make marketing material (blog posts, web site, app description, keywords) - Publish the app into an App Store - Tell the BuzzTouch community and others about it - Observe downloads and usage of the app (use the Flurry SDK to gain in insight) - Do it all over again to add new features, to insert advertisements, to add a social layer, etc. - Publish the app into the other App Store -- Niraj
I hate code!
Posts: 173
Reg: May 30, 2012
Monsey, New Yor...
12/29/13 10:43 AM (10 years ago)
Thanks guys. You guys are awesome!!!
Apple Fan
Posts: 188
Reg: Dec 13, 2012
Knoxville, TN
01/26/14 05:25 PM (10 years ago)
Try this site: http://www.lynda.com Great site to learn everything you want to learn about.

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