Discussion Forums  >  Plugins, Customizing, Source Code

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Lost but trying
Posts: 174
Reg: Jan 22, 2014
02/19/15 07:37 PM (9 years ago)

Custom HTML justify text

Posted this in wrong thread so wanted to add it here! Anyone know how to justify the text in the Custom HTML plugin? The only choices are left, middle, right. Thanks!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 13
Reg: Feb 08, 2015
02/20/15 09:40 PM (9 years ago)
When you say justify I assume you mean you want it so that text fills the page from left to right similar to the way it is in books or newpapers/magazines Since the HTML options on BT's custom HTML screen does not have the option for justify, you will have to do it manually. Check out http://www.quackit.com/html/online-html-editor/full/ which has a the Justify option and a larger selection of controls and then copy & paste the source code into the custom HTML screen, making sure it is in "Source" mode too. You can also go here on how to use justify alignment http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_p_align.asp

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