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Aspiring developer
Posts: 205
Reg: Jul 26, 2011
Orlando, FL
02/21/15 02:17 PM (9 years ago)

Collector Plugin Suggestions Customization

I purchased the collector plugin and would like to customize it a little. It is easy to add new items to the list, but once an item is added you can not edit the name you have to delete it and add it again. "Left swipe" will allow you to delete the item it would be great if a "right swipe" would say EDIT. I have been poking around in the code to try and see if I could create this functionality within the plugin and at the moment I am at a lose. Any experienced iOS developers know how to add this functionality to this plugin? In addition to being able to edit the items title I would like to be able to order the list of items as well. Thanks for any suggestions.
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
02/21/15 03:58 PM (9 years ago)
Hi Moto, Yep, I've been intending on adding an edit function, but haven't had a chance to do so yet. If you beat me to the punch, let me know and I'll credit you for the addition. The plugin was created for a specific application at the time, which didn't need the edit capabilities.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 205
Reg: Jul 26, 2011
Orlando, FL
02/24/15 09:39 AM (9 years ago)
Angry Ninja - I figured out how to edit the name of the items in the list. Send me a message through the control panel with your email. I will email you the details of how I accomplished this.

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