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Android Fan
Posts: 46
Reg: Apr 07, 2014
02/09/15 07:35 AM (9 years ago)

Is this a plugin Issue ? Or am I missing something ? [ Solved ]

Hello friends, I used " send email " plugin as a simple menu item but when I test this it pops up a error .. Something is not right --------------------- No Native app found am I missing something ?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/09/15 08:44 AM (9 years ago)
That would depend. 1) this is Android, right? 2) do you have a mail client in the android device you are testing with? 3) 'send email' usually needs something to send, usually content from another screen, or a predefined message created in the plugin control panel. Sending from a menu may not work if the settings are not completely configured. If the answer to #2 is 'no', then the problem is, the bt app is trying to 'hand off' the information to a mail client that does exist. If the answer to #2 is 'yes' then there might be an issue. If there is a default mail client, it usually gets it. If there is more than one mail client, and a default isn't chosen, then it should pop up some choices, and the user will select the preferred mail client. Cheers! -- Smug
Android Fan
Posts: 46
Reg: Apr 07, 2014
02/10/15 12:41 AM (9 years ago)
Thanks for your reply smug , Yes it is android .. I just figured it out there was one extra permission needed. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" /> Thanks

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