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Apple Fan
Posts: 352
Reg: Nov 05, 2011
Rhode Island
02/08/15 11:27 PM (9 years ago)

Self hosted - Touch ID plugin issue

I have just recently purchased the Touch ID plugin, installed on my self hosted server using the "Download plugins using your buzztouch.com control panel". I then added a screen using the plugin and when clicked on the screen, it leads to an error. The URL brings me to the plugin file directory instead of the BT_screen details to see what the control panel options are. The URL it points to is "..files/plugins/CR_touchId/?appGuid=.." instead of "../bt_v15/bt_app/bt_screen.php?appGuid=.." I have even tried to upload through FTP and the upload option via admin portal and all options are flawed. Any one else experiencing this problem with this particularly plugin and know how I can solve it?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/09/15 01:00 AM (9 years ago)
I've had that happen on other plugins, not that one in particular. But usually, if you're in the 'admin' section of your self hosted server, click on 'refresh plugins' about 3 or 4 times. No kidding; sometimes once just won't do it. But otherwise, it should fix you up in a jiffy. Cheers! -- Smug Edit: just happened to me this evening, while working on a new plugin I'm developing. Same solution. go into the admin/plugin section, and refresh a bunch of times. Now it works.
Angry Ninja
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1045
Reg: Aug 25, 2013
02/09/15 08:37 AM (9 years ago)
Yep, that's the same thing I always do, and after refreshing 3-4 times like Smug said, it eventually works
Apple Fan
Posts: 352
Reg: Nov 05, 2011
Rhode Island
02/09/15 09:33 AM (9 years ago)
Thanks, guys. Very bizarre issue. Hitting refresh 5 times worked for me.

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