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GKD Eenterprises
Lost but trying
Posts: 9
Reg: Nov 15, 2014
02/07/15 06:13 PM (9 years ago)

Teamviewer Integration - No where to put code

Hello, I have currently create an app in buzztouch for my IT support business, everything is working except the final piece. I want to be able to remote control iPhones and Android phones for my customers. TeamViewer allows me to do that with my current licensing purchase. I am currently using BTA Design Menu by PSMDanny, very minimal customization. I have been spending the last months and a half trying to figure this out and I am just lost. According to TeamViewer support and their web site, I have to insert some code on the “call” of my button that I want to initiate the remote support. When you open my app in tabbed view, on the first “screen” there is a button that says remote support. When you click on it, it goes to a blank page right now. I want to change that to initiate the “code” for TeamViewer. I do not know enough about xcode or the progressive c to know how to find the area that this “call” lives. I did a search in my XCode project and found the area where the “remote support” information is defined, but I don’t know if I am in the right place. This is in the BT_config.txt. This is the code that is there: "childItems":[ {"itemId":"5258F7F33F7E2A4FD8E2561", "itemType":"BT_designmenuItem", "loadScreenWithItemId":"076FD9BC89208851B506827","iconURL":"https://www.gkdenterprises.com/BT-server/files/applications/EA066CD836E5FFF926BAB3A8B/images/dmbar_blue.png", "iconName":"dmbar_blue.png", "rowAccessoryType":"none", "transitionType":"fade", "titleText":"Remote Support"} ]}, {"itemId":"12EFD09414891E157195CDE", "itemType":"BTA_design_menu", "itemNickname":"Contact Screen", "navBarTitleText":"Contact", "backgroundColor":"#2d78bc", "searchdesignMenu":"0", "listIconLeftSmallDevice":"25", "listIconTopSmallDevice":"5", "listIconHeightSmallDevice":"30", "listIconWidthSmallDevice":"30", "headerImageNameSmallDevice":"headerimg.png", "headerImageURLSmallDevice":"https://www.gkdenterprises.com/BT-server/files/applications/EA066CD836E5FFF926BAB3A8B/images/headerimg.png", "headerImageNameLargeDevice":"headerimg.png", "headerImageURLLargeDevice":"https://www.gkdenterprises.com/BT-server/files/applications/EA066CD836E5FFF926BAB3A8B/images/headerimg.png", "headerImageHeightSmallDevice":"90", "headerImageWidthSmallDevice":"320", "headerImageHeightLargeDevice":"90", "headerImageWidthLargeDevice":"320", "listRowBackgroundColor":"#2d78bc", "listTitleFontColor":"#cbdff3", "preventAllScrolling":"1", "listRowSelectionStyle":"none", "listRowSeparatorColor":"clear", "listRowHeightSmallDevice":"50", "listTitleLeftSmallDevice":"100", "listTitleTopSmallDevice":"17", "listTitleHeightSmallDevice":"20", "listTitleWidthSmallDevice":"200", "listTitleNOLSmallDevice":"1", "listTitleFontSizeSmallDevice":"18", "listDescriptionFontSizeSmallDevice":"1", "cellBackgroundSmallDevice":"dm_rowbg_blue.png", "listCBGLeftSmallDevice":"0", "listCBGTopSmallDevice":"0", "listCBGHeightSmallDevice":"50", "listCBGWidthSmallDevice":"320", "includeAds":"0", Am I in the wrong location? There are so many .h and .m files, and I have read so many blog posts I don’t know where to go to insert the TeamViewer code. Here is the link to the code for TeamViewer: https://integrate.teamviewer.com/en/develop/screen-sharing-sdk/ios-tutorial/#H3_header_4 Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks, Greg
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
02/07/15 11:57 PM (9 years ago)
Look in the BTA_design_menu.m file, at the didSelectRowAtIndexPath method (around line 518). Toward the top of that method, you should see this line of code (around line 522): BT_item *thisMenuItem = [self.displayMenuItems objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; Immediately after that, paste in this: if ([[BT_strings getJsonPropertyValue:thisMenuItem.jsonVars nameOfProperty:@"titleText" defaultValue:@""] isEqualToString:@"Remote Support"]) { [self callCustomMethod]; //call a custom method defined elsewhere in this file, or replace this line with custom code return; }
Veteran developer
Posts: 196
Reg: Sep 12, 2011
Philadelphia, P...
02/16/15 03:01 PM (9 years ago)
Hey Greg. How did you make out? I am also interested in this.
GKD Eenterprises
Lost but trying
Posts: 9
Reg: Nov 15, 2014
02/17/15 09:56 AM (9 years ago)
I haven't had a chance to try this yet, as I am waiting on Apple to approve the initial release of my app. Once they do, I will implement this code for the second release. I did browse the files, and the code is very convoluted, i don't see exactly what Chris is mentioning, but when I actually work on it, I will post my results and details.

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