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Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
02/04/15 08:59 AM (9 years ago)

Android Plugins Fire Sale -- 16 Plugins for $197

I now have a price for my plugins, that is $197 for 16 Android plugins. It is a fire sale, I am giving away all I have in order to break into iOS development. Obviously, I need Apple hardware so I sell all I have for one low price, hoping that the amount achieved will finally be sufficient to hop over the price barrier. The existing Android plugins that you would get for $197 are HTML Pro AdMob (in working order) HTML Pro another version of the above (in working order) Menu With Image AdMob (working, needs tweaking for the bottom ads) Menu Simple AdMob (working, needs tweaking for the bottom ads) CM awlPro AdMob (working, needs tweaking for the bottom ads) Custom URL AdMob (working) HTML Doc AdMob (working) Menu Buttons AdMob (working) Customer Loyalty (needs final tweaking) Share To Twitter (ready to ship) Share To Facebook (ready to ship) Share Menu (ready to ship) Advanced Search Flexible (ready to ship) MP3 Download and Play (ready, needs one little tweak) Interactive Customization of Menu Colors (needs tweaking) Splash Screen Flexible (need final tweaking, otherwise works great) In the next few days, I shall be publishing detailed descriptions, technical guidance and supporting videos for all of these plugins on my site. 80% of these plugins are finished and working in apps, however, I need a few more days to produce documentation, so you would be getting the plugins as soon as they would be finished for shipping, in a matter of days. I am also writing a sales page, here: http://duskosavic.com/blog/android/android-plugins-firesale-make-money-with-admob-on-every-page-of-your-app/ In the end of the page you will also see the button to pay $197 through credit card or PayPal. However, as stated on the sales page, most of the plugins are ready but some need additional documentation. I shall deliver the plugins that are ready the same day or the next day after the payment, depending on the time difference, and will roll out the rest of the plugins in the fastest possible manner. So check the sales page in the next few days, or better yet, leave name and the email address so that I can tell you when the regular shipping will start. This currently is 12 bucks for a plugin, which is quite modest, I think. If you are interested only in plugins for iOS, that will have to wait for this fire sale to succeed in raising the money for new hardware. Sorry! Also, I apologize for not offering these plugins through the regular Plugins Market, but I am in the country in which it is not possible to receive money through PayPal and that is the only way BT currently is offering to send the moneys earned.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
02/04/15 09:52 AM (9 years ago)
Nice way to be innovative! Got the page bookmarked :-) -- Niraj
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
02/04/15 09:58 AM (9 years ago)
You may want to remind people that they can upload your plugins into their BuzzTouch.com Control Panel. It's a bit of work and they have to be an authorized Developer. Perhaps you can assist those particular folks for a modest fee. Actually, there is a way for them to use your plugins with zero effort on their part! Just upload the plugins yourself. Don't make them available on the Marketplace. Share the URLs to the plugins with the buyers of your Plugin Bundle. That's a way for both BuzzTouch.com users and for the Self-Hosters to benefit from your plugins. -- Niraj
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
02/04/15 10:24 AM (9 years ago)
Great advice, thank you very much Niraj!
Apple Fan
Posts: 352
Reg: Nov 05, 2011
Rhode Island
02/04/15 07:19 PM (9 years ago)
Is this allowed? You're going to use other peoples code that they are actively selling on the plugin market with just a small update to include Admob...? I really do hope you have consent from all the appropriate devs to use their code unless I'm speaking out of terms and you wrote all the code yourself but just choose to use the same name for the plugin.
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
02/05/15 12:56 AM (9 years ago)
I agree ^^^^ I thought you were selling mods not reselling existing plugins. Like a tutorial of some sort.
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
02/05/15 02:43 AM (9 years ago)
For plugins that I am not the original author, I can sell mods and not the original plugins. You have to have the original plugin to add a mod into. If Buzztouch doesn't want me to do this, then just erase the thread. >just a small update to include Admob If you want to add AdMob to your screen, then perhaps we may talk about a "small" update. Just pick up any old code from StackOverflow and put it in, right? Except that it does not function and you have all kinds of red marks in Eclipse. It is out of reach of 99.99 Buzztouch users, many of which will not be interested enough even to put that "small update" into any kind of code. So let us not talk about "small update". Take HTML Pro for example. As sold in the market, it has 879 lines of Java code. My "small update" to show ads both up and below the content, to show interstitial ads at will, to be able to show a different ad for each screen so that you see which screen brings you most money, well, that "small update" adds some 788 lines of code. Granted, some are comments, but still it is not a "small update" in my book. Not to mention that my enhancement also can post to Twitter and Facebook at will. And change colors of the menu on the fly. Now, is it allowed to sell other people's code? On Buzztouch, it is. First there was Menu Simple by David Book. Then there was Menu with Image, which took all the David's code and added value to it. Then there was Menu Image Advanced, which says: "The Menu Image Advanced plugin builds on the Menu with Image plugin by providing several new features, including clickable header, optional header, platform-specific menu items." From the 16 plugins that I mention, there are only three authors involved. For the Customer Loyalty plugin, I have explicitly asked Chris1 and he allowed me to use his fantastic QR Reader plugin as a code base. I assumed that extends to HTML Pro and Advanced Search, but if he doesn't give permission, I'll just show mods to his plugins. Ditto for the others. This works conversely too: the other authors are free to use my additions to their code and put it into their "selling" plugins. That's the spirit of Buzztouch as I understand it. Once they see how I did it, let all the authors of Android plugins here enhance their plugins with my code, I don't care, just put a link to my site in the code. And let all the USERS of Buzztouch earn more money through AdMob ads, that can only be good. The only real problem here is that I cannot do this on Buzztouch.com. I WANT Buzztouch.com to take their 30%, they are more than entitled to. But I cannot get paid through Buzztouch, not even would they send me a check. And the structure of the Plugins Market won't allow me to do a group sales with reduced price. Maybe Buzztouch could become an affiliate of mine -- meaning all sales go through a special link for them - and then they would get their moneys alright. I'd like David Book to chime in on this.
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
02/05/15 07:41 AM (9 years ago)
I'll weigh in here since some of my plugins are concerned. First, I was asked permission on the QR Reader mod. I gave it because I was led to believe that the new plugin would not be sold on the open market, but used for a private transaction between Dusko and someone that was contracting him for some work. I appreciated the ask, and will say yes to that kind of request almost every time. When it comes to selling a mod of an existing plugin the open market, my feelings are a bit more complicated. This was the exact scenario that I feared when the plugin market was first opened up. I remember having several conversations with Susan and Dave about this - some are probably recorded in these forums somewhere. Here's how my thoughts on the matter go: Many of the plugins are mods of existing code. Most in fact. A lot of times, the existing code comes from places that have nothing to do with Buzztouch, and the plugin author is basically selling a way of easily adding that code into your project (i.e., making it into a plugin and connecting it to a control panel). In a few cases, the plugin is a mod of an existing plugin. For instance, my HTML Pro plugin is a mod of the HTML Doc plugin, and my Menu Image Advanced plugin is a mod of Susan's Menu with Image plugin. I don't feel any conflict in selling my versions, though, for 2 important reasons that I believe should apply to anyone trying to mod a plugin and selling it as their own: 1) Permission was given 2) The new/modded plugin does not cannibalize the existing one by underpricing it. If you take a look at the Menu Image Advanced plugin I created, I made quite a few design changes to the existing plugin. I asked Susan before selling it on the market and she agreed. I then priced it 2-3 times higher than her plugin (I think it was closer to 3 when I released mine originally, but now it's closer to 2 since she raised her prices a bit at one point). My reasons for that was that the total work put into the plugin was greater and so should be priced higher, and more importantly so Susan's plugin would still be marketable. As far as I know her plugin is still beating mine in sales (both quantity and total dollar) hands down - and that's the way it should be. None of us make much money on these plugins, and we all deserve to be fairly compensated. That includes Dusko. I'd hate to see him undervalue his time and give away good work for almost nothing. It just ends up hurting himself and every other plugin maker. On a side note, why does adding AdMob require nearly 800 lines of code? Their quick-start guide for Android shows it should only be about 3 lines of code assuming it's added in the xml file: AdView mAdView = (AdView) findViewById(R.id.adView); AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build(); mAdView.loadAd(adRequest); (https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/admob/android/quick-start)
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
02/05/15 07:55 AM (9 years ago)
I just did some quick math - looks like Dusko's deal makes each plugin valued at $12.31. At that price, it's not as much of a fire sale as I thought, so I don't really have a problem with my plugins being sold as part of this. I would've appreciated a heads up and asking for permission, but probably would've have given it in this case.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
02/05/15 09:01 AM (9 years ago)
The previous thoughts have reflected the foundation of this community: - Courtesy - Respect - Thoughtfulness - Fairness License-wise, all the plugins are open-source, meaning one can do anything with a plugin as long as: 1. Credit is given to the original developer(s) 2. Modifications are available for distribution Chris was thoughtful and fair when he came out with his Ultimate Screen Creator shortly after I had published my Cubbyholes plugin. He priced his plugin higher than mine to allow for fair choices by the community. Of course, the two plugins are not parent-child, yet the functionality are subsets. Within BuzzTouch, I have always been an advocate of the WordPress style of a market where plugins thrive and competition spurs rapid evolution. The open-source philosophy is the basis of the WordPress and GitHub repositories. The BuzzTouch marketplace muddies the waters due to its economical model. WordPress handles that by allowing for premium plugins to be available at a cost via one's own self-host server. That is the model that Dusko is following. I have no problems with Dusko and his Fire Sale. Legally he is on firm ground. Morally, he has been coached by the earlier comments to follow our tenets of respect and courtesy and fairness by conversing with the original plugin developers. -- Niraj
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
02/05/15 11:47 PM (9 years ago)
Great discussion! There are no easy answers, but creative use of price differentials have worked out well to let everyone make a little something. My guess is that the differentiation in the long run will be the reputation of the plugin developer, as we see more duplication in the market.
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
02/06/15 02:26 AM (9 years ago)
Thanks everyone for their discussion. @Chris >On a side note, why does adding AdMob require nearly 800 lines of code? My version puts AdMob code into the control panel, once for the banner above and the other time for the ad below the contents of the screen. This makes it possible to change the ad codes for each instance of the screen and then you can see which screen performs best. There is no ad code in the XML file, everything is generated on the fly. If you put the ad code into the XML file, then it is the same for all instances of the screen across the app. It is much better than nothing, but my idea was to do things properly, the Buzztouch style. Additional code goes for the interstitial ads. That is a totally different kind of ball game, has its own terse code and will also let you enter the ad code through the control panel. And you can install test ads, to test without fear from being banned by Google. Then there is also the code for Share To Twitter and Share To Facebook plugins and there is also the code for the Menu Colors Settings plugin, which allows user to change colors of any "list" menu, interactively. For that to work, the mod code has to be interspersed throughout the entire suite of core BT plugins. My plugins are meant to work as a whole and that is why I want to sell them as a whole. >I was asked permission on the QR Reader mod. I gave it because I was led to believe that the new plugin would not be sold on the open market, but used for a private transaction between Dusko and someone that was contracting him for some work. I was led to believe it too that it would be a part of private transaction, but the deal did not materialize. @Susan >the differentiation in the long run will be the reputation of the plugin developer Exactly, and that will especially depend on the kind of support that the plugin developer supplies after the sale. My customers are able to reach me through email, Skype, and TeamViewer (subject to difference in time zones). >I don't really have a problem with my plugins being sold as part of this. I would've appreciated a heads up and asking for permission, but probably would've have given it in this case. Thank you Chris. I apologize for not asking you before, but nothing has been sold yet, so no harm is done. @Niraj >WordPress style of a market We can only hope to achieve with Buzztouch what Matt has achieved with WordPress!

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