Discussion Forums  >  Plugins, Customizing, Source Code

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Kyle Boyett
Lost but trying
Posts: 32
Reg: Jan 03, 2015
Waynesville, GA
02/02/15 04:38 PM (9 years ago)

Question concerning source code

Hello, again, Just a quick question that I haven't been able to find, yet... I'm totally new to app development and programming, and while doing some searching, a thought popped into my mind that I'm still unsure of. Within Eclipse, I've got my package, along with a few others that it references. The others include FacebookSDK, socializeSDK, and google play. My question is... Since these other packages are referenced by mine, they actually handle the 'dirty work' of dealing with Facebook, Google Maps, etc? There is no code in my package that does this, it just sends the request to the appropriate other package? So, if I needed to make any customizations, I need to do this in the other package where the code actually is...? I guess that would count as multiple questions, but, that thought popped in my head, and I'm looking for confirmation. Thanks for entertaining my thought process as I continue to learn. Kyle
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
02/02/15 05:18 PM (9 years ago)
Kyle, When you include an external library, you're usually including a .jar file (unless you're using Android Studio and converted your project to Gradle). That .jar file contains the code for the external library in and of itself. So, if you include the Facebook SDK you're including a jar file with all the code Facebook wrote for you to connect to their servers. (You may actually import an entire project into your workspace, but it will end up just creating a .jar file for you anyway). If you need to make customizations, though, you usually should be doing that in your project, not in the referenced library. Often times the referenced library has code that is marked as private - that is, unaccessible to you to make changes.
Kyle Boyett
Lost but trying
Posts: 32
Reg: Jan 03, 2015
Waynesville, GA
02/02/15 05:48 PM (9 years ago)
Thanks for the reply, but now I'm more confused. LOL I'm using Eclipse, not Studio. I see the .JAR files, they are in the 'bin' folder of FacebookSDK and socializeSDK... Their tree looks like to my package, with similar folders and files. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lmqfdrd0ama9nhx/Eclipse%20tree%20pointing%20at%20JAR.jpg?dl=0 There are plenty of java and xml files as well. That's where I was thinking I would need to make my changes. Guess I need to find me a good 'idiots guide', and start reading. Any good ones you can recommend? Thanks again, Kyle
Code is Art
Posts: 3862
Reg: Aug 10, 2012
Austin, TX
02/02/15 06:23 PM (9 years ago)
There's a lot of good books out there. Not sure which is best for a beginner, but some popular ones are the Big Nerd Ranch Guide and anything by Apress. Maybe tell us a bit more about what kind of changes you're thinking about?

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