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Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
02/02/15 04:21 PM (9 years ago)

Share To Twitter — Android Plugin To Post To Twitter From Buzztouch Platform

Almost all apps nowadays post to Twitter, Facebook and other social sites. Buzztouch has for some time already had available iOS plugins for posting to Twitter and Facebook, but not for Android. The reason is that in iOS, it is relatively easy to post to social sites, and so was moderately difficult to write plugins to that end. On the Android side, there is no such support so here is an Android plugin that posts to Twitter. A similar plugin for Android only is also available for Facebook, and there is a third plugin, called Share Menu, that can post to twelve different social sites, provided you first enter the password for each site that you want to post to. Most people that want to post to Twitter and Facebook will already have their respective “native” apps installed, so the user only has to tap an icon and post to these sites almost automatically or with a minimum of fuss. In this post we concentrate only on posting to Twitter, as posting to Facebook has its own quirks. How To Post Predefined Text, Image and Link to Twitter Since this is Buzztouch, you predefine the text, the image address on the Internet and the link in fields in the control panel of the screen from which you post to Twitter. Please continue reading through this blog post, http://duskosavic.com/blog/programming/share-to-twitter-android-plugin-to-post-to-twitter-from-buzztouch-platform/ as there are eight images in it and there is no elegant way to post them here in the forum.
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
02/03/15 05:03 AM (9 years ago)
I don't really understand your post.. Its informative but you don't give a solution or sell the plugin right out? Can you just sell the plugin(s) on your website?! Thanks!
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
02/03/15 06:29 AM (9 years ago)
>Can you just sell the plugin(s) on your website?! Ok, I will.
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
02/04/15 09:06 AM (9 years ago)

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