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Lost but trying
Posts: 7
Reg: Jan 15, 2015
01/22/15 08:38 AM (9 years ago)

Launch Native Browser with Login/Password Info

Is it unadvisable to have Login/Password within an app. I want to use the Launch Native plugin to open the browser to a specific page and have it login for the user. David
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
01/22/15 09:45 AM (9 years ago)
Nope, lots of apps have them. It makes sense in many cases. If you're going to launch a browser and present the user with a web page, I'd make he login/password stuff part of the web page, and not use a Buzztouch plugin. Unless you want to prevent them from accessing that page at all. Mark
Lost but trying
Posts: 7
Reg: Jan 15, 2015
01/22/15 11:34 AM (9 years ago)
I'm not sure if we are talking about the same senerio here. The Login and Password I'm refering to is the User's Login/Password to access the webpage not to access the plugin page. I want the browser to open a specific webpage and submit a Login/Password for the webpage. which is stored in the app. I can't say at this time that I know if that's even possible but I wanted to ask if it's advisable to do so or if it's a secury concern. If it's cool to do this type of thing, and it's possible to provide the longin/password informaiton to a webpage, I'll be looking into how to do that and then how to add that to the plugin. Hint: I'll likely be asking at busstouch forums. David
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
01/22/15 11:41 AM (9 years ago)
Ah, OK. I missed the part about the page being stored in the app. You could use the Login plugin to block access to that page until credentials are provided. If you automatically provide those credentials to everybody using the app, then there's no reason to actually secure it. But, if you're wanting to restrict it to certain people, there are at least two plugins in the market that will allow you to provide a login screen before allowing the user to access that page. Hopefully I answered your question! Mark
Lost but trying
Posts: 7
Reg: Jan 15, 2015
01/22/15 12:03 PM (9 years ago)
Thanks for your patience with me Mark, We're still on differnt pages here! I was not refering to the page being in the app, which is soemthing I didn't know could be done and haven't considered the possiblities of doing*. I'm going to give an example of what I'm asking the app to do. I want to the app to open a website...say Facebook since most are familiar with that one.... since Facebook requires a login and password the user wouldn't be taken to the Facebook page directed to, it would take them to a login screen. I want the Login and Password to be stored in the app and provide it to the webpage so that they are automaticly signed in to the website when they use the app function, and signed them off when the app is closed. I hope that clears things up a little better. My original question was concerns about storing login/password informaiton on the app. I have several apps that store my login/password information to access a webpage, so I presume it's done somehow. *I'm going to have more questions regarding the storage of a webpage within the app. All in due time I guess. Thanks again, David
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
01/22/15 12:08 PM (9 years ago)
Hi David, I was going off this statement, which made me think the page was in the app - "I want the browser to open a specific webpage and submit a Login/Password for the webpage. which is stored in the app." I understand better what you're trying to do, and there's no plugin available at the moment that can do that. You would probably have to write some custom code. From a security perspective, I'm sure there are ways to encrypt that information. I know lots of stuff is revealed in LogCat if you look, so I do wonder about that kind of information sometimes. Mark
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 2943
Reg: Jul 11, 2012
01/24/15 07:56 PM (9 years ago)
The app would have to save and store the Facebook cookies. That is what your browser does. The end result being a Facebook login will not be required on the second visit to Facebook by the Browser or by the App. There is at least one plugin that does something with Facebook..I forget what it does. The Facebook SDK is available to connect an app with Facebook. That will require additional coding. Hope that helps even though Facebook was just an example, not your actual destination. Bottom line, the App's built-in browser (the Custom URL plugin) will have to save cookies. I don't know if it does that cookie saving. -- Niraj

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